- Jul 9, 2017羅馬書8:1不再定罪No More Condemnation
- Jul 2, 2017約翰福音13:1-20洗腳與差派 John 13:1-20 Washing of Feet and SendingJul 2, 2017約翰福音13:1-20洗腳與差派 John 13:1-20 Washing of Feet and SendingSeries: (All)特殊的經文An Unique Passage常見的錯誤Common False Views洗腳的意義Meaning of Washing(1)歸屬於耶穌Ownership(2)他潔淨我們Cleansing(3)差派的榜樣Example of Sending洗腳與差派Washing Feet and Sending(1)耶穌知道自己的身分Jesus Knows His Identity(2)耶穌知道自己的使命Jesus Knows His Mission(3)耶穌知道自己的歸向Jesus Knows His Eternal Abode我們的應用Application(1)我們知道自己的身分嗎?Do You Know Your Identity?(2)我們知道自己的使命嗎?Do You know Your Mission?(3)我們知道自己的歸向嗎?Do You know Your Eternal Abode?
- Jun 25, 2017使徒行傳(十二)使徒行傳5:12-32天使拯救使徒們 Acts 5:12-32 Aposltes Rescued by an AngelJun 25, 2017使徒行傳(十二)使徒行傳5:12-32天使拯救使徒們 Acts 5:12-32 Aposltes Rescued by an AngelSeries: Acts前言:見樹見林 Intro: Big/Small Pictures(1)看到細節,也要記住大局(2)神喜悅教會增長、神使用反對的人、神差使者幫助、神使徒的責任正文:天使搭救Text: Rescued by an Angel一、信主人增多Added to the Lord (vv.12-16)(1)神喜悅教會增長(2)神使用神蹟,更重要的是神的話(3)每個人對教會增長的看法不一定相同二、反對主的人Against the Lord (vv.17-18)(1)神容許、安排逼迫(2)嫉妒的可怕(3)神的幽默三、主使者拯救Angel of the Lord (vv.19-20)(1)天使屬於主、順服主、服事主的百姓(2)天使的拯救(3)天使的吩咐四、服從主的人Answer to the Lord (vv.21-32)(1)即刻順服(黎明就到聖殿)(2)專心教導(教導百姓)(3)使徒信息的力道a.不是驕傲、苦毒、忿怒的態度b.我們必須順服神c.神是主d.神的恩典e.神的見證結論:四個應用Applications(1)成為祝福 Shower with Blessing(2)檢視嫉妒 Away from Jealousy(3)專注主道 Focus on the Word(4)傳揚主道 Spreading the Word
- Jun 18, 2017宣教主日 主日學Jun 18, 2017宣教主日 主日學By: Isaac ShawSeries: (All)This message is a sequel to the sermon earlier today.
- Jun 18, 2017路加福音18:1-8為萬國禱告 Luke 18:1-8 Prayer for All NationsJun 18, 2017路加福音18:1-8為萬國禱告 Luke 18:1-8 Prayer for All NationsBy: Isaac ShawSeries: MissionWe apologize for the poor quality of audio recording due to equipment error.宣教主日信息 Mission Sunday MessageI. Prayer is Warfare禱告是爭戰II. I am Weak 我是軟弱的III. I need to Simplify my Life 我生活需要簡化
- Jun 11, 2017約翰福音16:12-15認識三一神 John 16:12-15 Knowing the Triune GodJun 11, 2017約翰福音16:12-15認識三一神 John 16:12-15 Knowing the Triune GodSeries: Trinity Sunday前言:聖徒的成長Believers Need to Grow正文:(1)聖靈的工作The Work of the Holy SpiritA.引導門徒進入一切真理 To guide disciples into all the truthB.把祂所聽見的都說出來 To speak whatever He hearsC.要榮耀耶穌 To glorify Jesus Christ the Holy Son(2)聖父的所有All that the Holy Father HasA.一切都是聖子的 “All that the Father has is mine”B.超越想像的真理 Beyond all our imaginationC.聖靈、永生、震怒Holy Spirit, Eternal Life, Wrath(3)聖子的榮耀The Glory of the Holy SonA.聖子最大? Holy Son is the Greatest?B.耶穌的順服 The Obedience of JesusC.聖子的降卑 The Humiliation of the Holy Son結論:真神與我The True Triune God and I(1)我們需要成長 We Need to Grow(2)認識三一真神 We Need to the the True Triune God(3)三一神在我身 The True Triune God on us
- Jun 4, 2017約翰福音14:15-21另一位保惠師 John 14:15-21 Another Paraclete
- May 28, 2017使徒行傳(十一)使徒行傳4:32-5:11復興與陷阱 Acts 4:32-5:11 Revival and PitfallMay 28, 2017使徒行傳(十一)使徒行傳4:32-5:11復興與陷阱 Acts 4:32-5:11 Revival and PitfallSeries: Acts一、困難但重要Difficult but Important(沒人想講的經文A Passage No Pastor Want to Preach)二、復興與陷阱Revival and Pitfall(1)真實復興True Revival(2)真實事件True History(3)真實靈界True Spirits(4)真相大白Truth Revealed/AnalyzedA.盜竊PilferB.欺騙PinocchioC.主動PurposefulD.痲痹Paralysis三、真實的盼望Conclusion/Application: True Hope(1)應當敬畏Be Fearful(2)應當儆醒Be Watchful(3)你要作欺騙者或安慰者?Be A Deceiver or Son of Encouragement(4)充滿盼望Full of Hope
- May 21, 2017以弗所書 Ephesians 2:1-3 認識自己 Knowing Ourselves
- May 14, 2017提摩太後書 2 Timothy 1:5-7 母親的信仰 Faith of MothersMay 14, 2017提摩太後書 2 Timothy 1:5-7 母親的信仰 Faith of MothersSeries: Mother's Day一、母親的信仰 Faith of Mothers (v.5)(1)信仰傳承是可能的 Possible to pass on the Faith(2)這不一定是容易的Not Easy to pass on the Faith二、提摩太信仰 Fan into Flame(v.6)(1)所處困難環境 Situations are tough for Timothy(2)挑旺神的恩賜 Stir up (Rekindle) the Gift of God三、結論與應用 Father God's Provision(v.7)(1)神所賜的Given By God(2)能力,仁愛,自律的靈Spirit of Power, Love, and Self-Control回應詩歌《永在我心》Constantly Abiding