Jul 29, 2018
《啟示錄》3:1-6給撒狄教會的信 Revelation 3:1-6 A Letter to the Church in Sardis
Series: Revelation
一、撒狄與撒狄教會Sardis and Church in Sardis
二、主耶穌自我啟示Self Revelation of Jesus
三、主耶穌的話Words of Jesus
(1)我知你行為I know your works
(2)但你是死的But you are dead
(3)儆醒與悔改Wake up and repent...
(1)與主同行Worthy to walk with Jesus
(2)配穿白衣Wear the white garments
(3)名在冊上Name will not be blot out
(4)得到承認Name will be confessed
- Jul 29, 2018《啟示錄》3:1-6給撒狄教會的信 Revelation 3:1-6 A Letter to the Church in SardisJul 29, 2018《啟示錄》3:1-6給撒狄教會的信 Revelation 3:1-6 A Letter to the Church in SardisSeries: Revelation一、撒狄與撒狄教會Sardis and Church in Sardis二、主耶穌自我啟示Self Revelation of Jesus三、主耶穌的話Words of Jesus(1)我知你行為I know your works (2)但你是死的But you are dead (3)儆醒與悔改Wake up and repent...應用:得勝的方法Conquer(1)聽;承認自己是死的(約5:25)(2)聽;不靠自己而靠主(羅10:2-3)(3)回到福音的起點、禱告應用:得勝的應許(1)與主同行Worthy to walk with Jesus(2)配穿白衣Wear the white garments(3)名在冊上Name will not be blot out(4)得到承認Name will be confessed
- Jul 22, 2018《啟示錄》2:18-29給推雅推拉教會的信 Revelation 2:18-29 A Letter to the Church in ThyatiraJul 22, 2018《啟示錄》2:18-29給推雅推拉教會的信 Revelation 2:18-29 A Letter to the Church in ThyatiraSeries: Revelation一、推雅推拉教會Church in Thyatira 二、主自我啟示Self Revelation of Jesus 三、主耶穌的話Words of Jesus 應用、聽從與得勝Obey and Conquer
- Jul 1, 2018《啟示錄》2:12-17給別迦摩教會的信 Revelation 2:12-17 A Letter to the Church in PergamumJul 1, 2018《啟示錄》2:12-17給別迦摩教會的信 Revelation 2:12-17 A Letter to the Church in PergamumSeries: Revelation一、別迦摩教會Church in Pergamum(1)別迦摩城:文化中心、教育中心、偶像中心、醫療中心(2)逼迫四伏:撒旦王座、殺害聖徒二、主自我啟示Self Revelation of Jesus(1)啟示錄1:12-16(2)希伯來書4:12-13上(3)以弗所書6:17下三、主耶穌的話Words of Jesus(1)我知你住所I know where you dwell (2)但是幾件事But a few things against (3)悔改,不然Repent, if not...應用、聽從與得勝Obey and Conquer(1)不吃祭物No spiritual impurity (2)不縱情慾No physical impurity (3)拒絕異端Reject false teachings (4)嗎哪白石Manna and White Stone
- Jun 17, 2018《啟示錄》2:8-11給士每拿教會的信 Revelation 2:8-11 A Letter to the Church in SmyrnaJun 17, 2018《啟示錄》2:8-11給士每拿教會的信 Revelation 2:8-11 A Letter to the Church in SmyrnaSeries: Revelation一、士每拿教會Church in Smyrna
二、主自我啟示Self Revelation of Jesus(啟示錄1:7-8;17-18)三、主耶穌的話Words of Jesus(1)我知、也知I know … and I know … (2)不要怕受苦Fear not the suffering (3)要至死忠心Be faithful unto death應用、聽從與得勝Obey and Conquer(1)專心順服Focus & Obey Christ (2)門徒代價Pay the Cost (3)忠心至死Perseverance (4)貼近主懷Cling Close to Jesus - Jun 10, 2018《啟示錄》2:1-7給以弗所教會的信 Revelation 2:1-7 A Letter to the Church in EphesusJun 10, 2018《啟示錄》2:1-7給以弗所教會的信 Revelation 2:1-7 A Letter to the Church in EphesusSeries: Revelation給以弗所教會的信A Letter to Church at Ephesus一、啟示錄七教會Letters to 7 Churches(1)向使者問安Greeting to the Messenger (2)復活主描述Description of the Risen Lord (3)對教會稱讚Praise for the Church (4)對教會責備Criticism of the church (5)對教會警告Warning to the church (6)對教會勸勉Exhortation to the church (7)給教會應許Promise to the church二、以弗所的教會Church in Ephesus(1)最多聖經Most Scriptures (2)最多同工Most Co-workers (3)最大榮譽Most Reputation三、主耶穌的話語Words of Jesus(1)身分The Speaker—Jesus (2:1) (2)做事Your Works (2:2-3) (3)責備I am Against You (2:4) (4)呼召Call to Repent (2:5) (5)優點Something Good (2:6)應用、聽從與得勝Obey and Conquer(1)聽從順服主Listen, Obey the Lord (2)得勝並享受Conquer and Enjoy (3)得蒙寶血洗淨Washed in the Blood (4)真道造就自己Equipped with the Word (5)拾回起初的愛Return to the First Love (6)做起初做的事Do the work you First did