Feb 10, 2018
耶利米哀歌3:21-33神的信實 Lamentation 3:21-33 The Faithfulness of God
By: Joshua Cheng
Series: (All)
The Reality of God
The Reality of Suffering
The Reality of Hope
- Feb 10, 2018耶利米哀歌3:21-33神的信實 Lamentation 3:21-33 The Faithfulness of GodFeb 10, 2018耶利米哀歌3:21-33神的信實 Lamentation 3:21-33 The Faithfulness of GodBy: Joshua ChengSeries: (All)The Reality of GodThe Reality of SufferingThe Reality of Hope
- Oct 23, 2016福音與身分 Gospel and Identity (哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 5:14-17)Oct 23, 2016福音與身分 Gospel and Identity (哥林多後書 2 Corinthians 5:14-17)By: Joshua ChengSeries: (All)Intro: Gospel is More than Jesus, but His life revealed in and through usText: The Gospel of Jesus is the Cross1. The Cross is a symbol of death, failure, and shame2. Jesus Christ is Historical3. The Gospel is Life, starting from the Identity in Christ, and Christ inside.Conclusion: Gospel is Life's Transformation, not Life's Possession
- Jun 26, 2016創世記35:1-15 無神的基督教 Genesis 35:1-15 Christian AtheismJun 26, 2016創世記35:1-15 無神的基督教 Genesis 35:1-15 Christian AtheismBy: Joshua ChengSeries: (All)Combined Service (English with Chinese translation)Intro: Who is God to Me? Who is God to You? 前言:神是誰?Text: Three Stages in Jacob's Life 正文:雅各生命的三階段(1) Jacob's Trouble 雅各困難(逃離以掃、倚靠自己)雖然擁有許多聰明、能力,但是雅各依靠自己只帶來更多的恐懼(2) Jacob's Altar 雅各築壇(伯特利-->伊利。伯特利)從看到神的殿,進而認識殿的神(3) Jacobs Commission 雅各委身(奠祭-->立約的血)神比雅各偉大,可以改他名字,擁有他生命的主權雅各獻上奠祭,表示自己全然降伏,一生為主傾倒*唯有耶穌基督立約的血才是我們真正的盼望Conclusion: God is Greater Than Our Sin 結論:神大過我們的罪