2017年 新闻存档 News Archives 2017 |
2017平安谷圣诞晚会于12/16周六举行,弟兄姐妹们和家人、朋友欢聚一堂,一起庆祝我主耶稣基督的诞辰。2017 PVCCC Christmas Concert was held on 12/16, Saturday. Brothers and sisters, gathered with families and friends to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
晚会录像 Concert Video:2017平安谷圣诞晚会 2017 PVCCC Christmas Concert
平安谷教会12/10召开会员大会,韩英豪弟兄和徐安妃姐妹当选选举2018届新任执事。PVCCC held a congregational meeting 12/10. Brother Ronald Han and sister Anfei Hsu were elected as 2018-2021 PVCCC Deacons. |
2018执事候选人见证 Testimonies of 2018 Deacon Candidates: 徐安妃 Anfei Hsu, 韩英豪 Ronald Han |
弟兄姐妹们于11/25(周六)举行感恩分享聚会,一起数算神过去一年在我们教会及个人生命中的奇异恩典。Brothers and sisters gathered on 11/25, Saturday to count God’s amazing grace on Church and our lives. |
平安谷华人教会很荣幸地邀请著名的纽约交响合唱团于11/11周六晚来平安谷演出,节目精彩,现场座无虚席。PVCCC is very honored to invite the renowned SymphoNYChorus to perform on 11/11, Saturday. The wonderful programs attracted a full hall of audience.
时隔一年之后,我们再次欢迎来自中国的希望天使11/03(周五)晚用舞蹈来敬拜神,用生命见证来荣耀我们的神。We were so glad to have Living Hope Angels 11/03, Friday at PVCCC again after one year. These angels danced to worship Lord and glorified God with their touching sharing of testimonies. |
平安谷英文事工于10/13-15在位于兰卡斯特的基督使者协会举行“愿意改变-青年冬季退修会” PVCCC Englsih Ministry held “Be the Change-Youth Winter Retreat 2017” on October 13-15 (Fri.-Sun.) at the new facility of Ambassador For Christ in Lancaster. |
Penn State Abington华人学生团契于09/30在平安谷华人教会举行有美食、敬拜、分享和信息的中秋烧烤晚会。Chinese Students Fellowship of PennState Abington held a Mid-Autumn BBQ Party 09/30 at PVCCC. The party featured BBQ, Worship, Sharing and Message. |
由台湾宇宙光出版、美国伯特利中心协办的《马丁路德500年》挂图展于09/29-10/01在平安谷教会展出。《Martin Luther Reformation 500 Years》 published by Taiwan Cosmic Light and supported by Bethel Renewal Center was exhibited at PVCCC 09/29-10/01. |
Penn State Abington华人学生团契于09/02在平安谷华人教会举行迎新晚会,欢迎新入学的中国新生。Penn State Abington华人学生团契由西敏的多位神学生组织,由费城东北社区教会、Glenside新生命教会和平安谷教会协助。晚会气氛热烈,受到了同学们的欢迎。Chinese Students Fellowship of PennState Abington held a reception party for the new Chinese students of PSA. The Fellowship is organized by several students of Westminster Theological Seminary with support of Philadelphia Northeast Community Church, Glenside New Life Church and PVCCC. The party was welcome by the Chinese students with full of fun. |
2017平安谷圣经夏令营于08/21-25在平安谷教会顺利举行。本届夏令营主题为“星际航行者”,营会期间适逢多年不遇的日偏食,孩子们边用肉眼观察,边观看直播讲解,度过了一个独特而愉快的夏令营。2017 PVCCC VBS was held 08/21-15 with a theme of “Galactic Starveyors”. During the summer school, there was a rare sun eclipse, the children observed it with their naked eyes and watching the broadcasting as well. They had a joyful VBS. |
平安谷英语事工8月19日组织平安谷公园野餐会,弟兄姐妹们借着享用美食彼此沟通、踢球、划船、环湖健步,度过了一个愉快的周六。PVCCC English Ministry organized a picnic at Peace Valley Park 08/19, brothers and sisters fellowshipped with each other while enjoying food, and have had a pleasant Saturday with boating, playing soccer, around lake jogging. |
我们很荣幸地邀请多倫多短宣中心總幹事彭偉賢牧師和彭徐雪冰師母于07/30为弟兄姐妹们作传福音培训讲座 。We are very honored to invite Rev. Dr. Wai Yin Pang, Director of Toronto Short Term Mission Training Center, and his wife Sister Faith Pang to have an evangelism training workshop 07/30, Friday. |
平安谷教会短宣队和台湾台东下野教会、嘉义圳头里教会、台北莺歌教会的弟兄姐妹们于07/11-14在台东下野为原住民布农部落的孩子们联合举办中英双语夏令营。PVCCC Short term mission team united with the brothers and sisters of Siaye Church of Taidong, Juntouli Quaker Church of Chiayi and Yingge Presbyterian Church of Taipei to hold a Chinese/English Summer Camp for the children of Bunun tribe in Siaye, Taidong。
平安谷华人教会07/23举行会友大会,正式投票选举程庆华传道为平安谷华人基督教会英文事工全职传道。愿神祝福、带领程庆华传道并坚立他手中的工。PVCCC held a congregational meeting to vote on the election of Joshua Cheng as PVCCC Full Time English Pastor. May God bless Joshua and lead the work in his hands. |
我們很高兴邀請北印度德里聖經學院院長Issac Shaw牧師06/18為我們帶來宣教主日信息. We are privileged to invite Rev Isaac Shaw, President of Delhi Bible Institute in North India, to preach the message of mission 06/18. |
青年团契于06/17组织青年和家长们去Jenkins Arboretum& Garden 郊游,感受神的创造之美。Youth Fellowship organized youths and parents 06/17 to visit Jenkins Arboretum & Garden, a splendor created by God. |
弟兄团契06/10前往Freddy Hill Farm打高尔夫球,弟兄姐妹们借着高尔夫球彼此团契、交流,是何等的美善。Brothers Fellowship went to Freddy Hill Farm to play golf, it was so pleasant for brothers and sisters to took the relax golf time to communicate and fellowhship. |
平安谷教会今年有十位高中生(李韫陶、袁野、邱瑞源、关莹洁、徐怡荔(左图)、潘楚瑜、叶玮麒、邹杨月、李莹、杜昊(右图))毕业,进入大学继续深造。求神继续带领他们前面的脚步, 你的话成为他们脚前的灯,路上的光。There are 10 high school graduates (Dennis, Ye, Rei, Jessica, Liliana (left pic) and Victoria, Harry, Amy, Crystal and Iris(right pic)). May almighty God lead their steps ahead, your words be the lamp unto their feet, a light their path. |
感謝神的恩典, 五位姐妹于05/07受洗歸入主的名下,她們是孫若涵、許乘、李奕萱、孫佳鑫、Kammie Ping。请繼續禱告、扶持、餵養、栽培這些新受洗加入基督身體的肢體. Thanks to God’s abundant grace, We are glad to have Angel Li, Kammie Ping, Jessie Sun, Vivian Sun, and Alice Xubaptized into the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Please welcome and uphold these sisters in your prayers. |
Calvary Baptist Church 的Troy牧师于04/29, 周六来平安谷举办亲子教育讲座《理解你青春期的孩子》,弟兄姐妹们踊跃参加,受益匪浅 。Pastor Troy of Calvary Baptist Church had a parenting seminar of 《Understanding the World that Your Teenagers Live》 at 04/29, Saturday. Many members and friends attended and greatly benefited. |
平安谷教会04/22,周六开展春季整理美化工作,各团契分别负责室外的花园整理和铺mulch,以及室内的卫生清洁。PVCCC held 2017 Spring Cleanup on 04/22 to mulch gardens and to clean up the open area inside. |
弟兄团契邀请弟兄姐妹们于04/08前往Fairmont Park赏樱,并一起享用广式早茶,见证神荣美的创造及丰富的供应。Brother Fellowship invited brothers and sister to view cherry blossom and enjoy Cantonese tea, witnessing God’s splendid creation and abundant provision. |
平安谷教会青年团契于3月25号晚上6:00在教会举办筹款晚宴。晚宴由主要由青年人自己筹划并执行,除了丰盛的晚餐, 他们还准备了愉悦的音乐娱乐。求主祝福青年们,并纪念他们的辛勤付出以及父母们在背后的默默支持。PVCCC Youth had a fundraising banquet 03/25, Saturday. Besides the delicious food, youth also prepared joyful music entertainment. May God bless these youth, and remember their hardworking and the support of their parents as well. |
我们很高兴地邀请缅甸宣教士卫玲姐妹于03/10, 周五来平安谷教会分享缅甸宣教事工的的感人见证。恳请弟兄姐妹们继续为缅甸宣教士们急需的皮卡车祷告、捐款, 谢谢。We are very pleased to invite sister Ling Wei, a Chinese missionary in Myanmar to share Myanmar ministries of mission. Please continuously pray and donate for the pickup truck the missonaries urgently need. Thank you. |
意大利普拉托华人教会的牧长们于03/01参观平安谷华人教会,并和参加祷告会的弟兄姐妹们一起在主里同心合一地祷告。Pastor and ministers of Prato Chinese Church in Italy visited PVCCC 03/01, and prayed afterward with brothers and sisters at PVCCC prayer meeting. |
平安谷外展部社区关怀小组02/17周五前往Senior Care of Horsham探望老人们,和他们一起唱圣诗,分享中国新年习俗,观看中国新年视频,并和老人们聊天寒暄,向他们传递神不离不弃的爱。Community Care Group of PVCCC Outreach Dept visited the senior adults at Senior Care of Horsham 02/17 Friday. Brothers and sisters sang hymns, shared the customs of Chinese New Year and watched video as well to pass on God’s non-forsaking love. |
我们很荣幸地邀请到新泽西伯特立中心黄明发弟兄于02/10周五晚来平安谷教会分享锡安大道异象,并回答弟兄姐妹们关于暑期吉尔吉斯访宣和丝绸之路走祷的提问。We were very glad to invite Fred Huang of Bethel Renewal Center, NJ 02/10, Friday, to share the Vision of Road to Zion, and have Q&A session for “2017 Silk Road Walking Prayer/ Kyrgyzstan Mission Trip”. |
2017平安谷春节晚会于01/28(周六)举行,弟兄姐妹们欢聚一堂,用精彩的中国传统节目和美味中餐来庆祝中国新年。2017 PVCCC Chinese New Year Concert was held 01/28, Saturday. Brothers and sisters gathered with fantastic traditional Chinese programs and delicious Chinese food to celebrate Chinese New Year.
新当选的李峰弟兄和季怡怡姐妹于01/01被正式按立为平安谷教会2017-2019届执事 Newly elected brother Feng Li and sister Yiyi Ji were officially installed as 2017-2019 Term PVCCC Deacons. |
2016年新闻存档 News Archives 2016 |
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