2016年 新闻存档 News Archives 2016 |
李峰弟兄和季怡怡姐妹在12/18举行的2016平安谷执事选举中当选为新的2017-2019届执事,求主祝福他们,赐给他们智慧和谋略的灵,坚立他们手中所做的工。Brother Feng Li and sister Yiyi Ji were elected as the new term (2017-2019) of PVCCC Deacon on the 2016 Election of PVCCC Deacons. May God bless them, grant them with the spirits of wisdom, counsel and establish the works in their hands.
执事候选人见证 Testimonies of Deacon Candidates: 李峰 Feng Li, 季怡怡 Yiyi Ji
一年一度的2016平安谷圣诞晚会于12/10举行,弟兄姐妹们欢聚一堂,倾情出演,用众多的原创节目欢庆主耶稣的诞辰。The annual 2016 PVCCC Christmas Concert will be held on 12/10, brothers and sisters performed with full passion to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ.
录像 Video:2016平安谷圣诞晚会 2016 PVCCC Christmas Concert
吴岳梁、周蕾、陈洁华、雷皓晴、邱瑞锋和邱瑞仪六位弟兄姐妹于11/27受洗成为神的孩子。求神带领他们属灵成长的脚步,祝福他们!Yueliang Wu, Ella Zhou, Joey Loi, Lilian Loi, Jocelyn Qiu and Philip Qiu were baptised in God’s name on 11/27. May God bless them and lead their spiritual growth. |
平安谷教会在11/25举行2016感恩见证分享,弟兄姐妹们踊跃发言,数算神过去一年在我们生活、工作和教会中的奇妙恩典。PVCCC held 2016 Thanksgiving Testimony Sharing. Brothers and sisters gathered to count one by one God’s amazing grace on our life, work and church.
长青团契于11/20欢送徐元铠/李惠珍夫妇。他们将于12/08搬迁至加州洛杉矶,求主纪念他们在平安谷的服事,并带领他们在洛杉矶找到合适的教会,继续敬拜赞美我们的永生神。Evergreen Fellowship had a farewell party for Yuankai Xu/huizhen Li on 11/20. They will move to LA on 12/08, we pray that God will remember their serving at PVCCC, and lead them to find a right church to worship our everlasting Lord.
平安谷华人基督教会于11/19 星期六在装修一新的新堂举行献堂典礼,弟兄姐妹们共聚一堂, 将神的殿-我们属灵的家献上,求主大大祝福和使用。费城地区华人教会和福音机构多位牧长致辞并祝福。PVCCC held New Building Dedication Ceremony 11/19 in the newly renovated sanctuary, brothers and sisters gathered joyfully to dedicate God’s temple, our spiritual home to God for His blessings and usage. Several pastors and elders of Chinese churches and gospel organizations in Philadelphia attended with warm greetings and blessings.
献堂典礼影音文件 AV Files of Dedication Ceremony:
建堂短片 Video of Church Construction:《得地为业 Possess the Land》
季怡怡姐妹的分享 Sharing of Sister Yiyi Ji:《应许之地的见证 Testimony of The Promised Land》
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 耶穌奇妙的救恩 Wonderful Grace of Jesus |
高小文等十七位弟兄姐妹于10/02在平安谷教会新会员接纳礼上被接纳为平安谷教会正式会员。Total of 17 brothers and sisters were accepted as Full Member at PVCCC New Member Reception Ceremony 10/02. |
由平安谷教育事工部首次主辦, 更新傳道會 Christian Renewal Ministries 周德威傳道帶領的“<豐盛生命> 一對一栽培員訓練” 於9月24日在教會進行,共有25人參加 。“<<Abundant Life>>-1+1 Counselor Training” sponsored by PVCCC Education Department and hosted by Minister David Chou of Christian Renewal Ministries was held 09/24 at PVCCC. Totally 25 members attended. |
姐妹團契9月10日(周六)下午兩點在教會聚會,由曉莉姐妹主講父母與子女沟通技巧,弟兄姐妹们收益良多。Sister Fellowship gathered at church. Sister Shirley Chen gave a seminar on the skill of parents’ communication with children. It was very helpful and well appreciated. |
陈韶峰和梁红莲夫妇因为工作变动,即将搬迁至芝加哥。弟兄姐妹们于09/03在余晓/潮英家聚会,送别韶风弟兄和红莲姐妹。谢谢他们过去多年在教会的默默奉献,祝愿他们在芝加哥找到合适的教会,继续服事和敬拜我们的永生神。Brothers and sisters held a farewell party at Sean/Lynn’s house for Ivan/Lotus who will move to Chicago soon due to job change. Thanks to them for their quiet and faithful serving. May God bless them to find a right church in Chicago to serve and worship our everlasting God. |
平安谷短宣队(莹怡、莹洁、永琴和志宏)于08/28分享2016中国/缅甸短宣之旅。愿主激起弟兄姐妹们心中宣教的热情,走出去使更多的人同蒙福音的好处。PVCCC Mission Team (Jacqueline, Jessica, Yongqin and Zhihong) shared 2016 Short Term Mission Trip to China and Myanmar. We pray that God will kindle zeal to the hearts of more brothers and sisters. Let us step out to preach the gospel to more people. |
平安谷儿童主日学于08/28举行开学典礼,由新任校长葛扬姐妹主持。求恩主纪念卸任校长潘露佳姐妹过去四年多的辛勤服事,并带领葛扬校长前面的侍奉。PVCCC Sunday School held anopening ceremony 08/28 presided over by newly appointed School Director Joy Ge. May God remember the faithful serving of past School Director Lujia Pan, and lead the work ahead of Joy Ge. |
平安谷教会于07/25-29举行首届圣经夏令营。主日学的老师和弟兄姐妹们倾注满腔热忱,同心合意地服事,多姿多彩的活动深得孩子们的喜爱,纷纷表示明年还要继续参加平安谷的圣经夏令营。PVCCC had the First Vacation Bible School 07/25-29. Sunday School teachers and volunteers put full hearts of efforts and enthusiasm to serve the kids with a variety of enjoyable activities. Many children could not even wait to join PVCCC VBS next year. |
平安谷兄弟团契于08/20召开第一次筹备会议, 讨论兄弟团契的宗旨和活动安排,并定于09/11召开下一次筹备会,欢迎弟兄们参加。PVCCC Brothers Fellowship held the first preparatory meeting 08/20 to discuss the mission statement and future events. All brothers are welcome to attend the second preparatory meeting on 09/11. |
国际生命希望的安琪儿表演团于07/15晚在平安谷教会演出,孩子们献上了精心准备的舞蹈和短片,并介绍了国际生命希望在中国的事工,演出受到弟兄姐妹们的交口称赞。Angels Tour ofLiving Hope International performed 07/15, Friday at PVCCC. The orphans presented the well prepared dances and videos, and introduced the ministries of Living Hope Intl in China. The performance was well appreciated by the audience. |
儿童献诗 Children Body Worship: 这是天父世界 This Is My Father’s World |
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 一生呈献 My Offering |
一年一度的平安谷烧烤聚会于06/19在教会举行,弟兄姐妹们一起享用神赐的丰富美食,互相沟通畅谈,增进彼此友谊, 度过了一个愉快的主日午后。The Annual PVCCC BBQ Gatheringwas held 06/19 at church. Brothers and sisters enjoyed the delicious food from God and talked to each other to deepen their friendship for the pleasant afternoon. |
平安谷教会长执会06/18邀请弟兄姐妹们参加座谈会,黄牧师主动为自己的不足真诚致歉,恳请弟兄姐妹们谅解。长执会也为面临危机时行动迟缓道歉,并对教会最近出现的问题进行说明和澄清。在最后的提问阶段, 弟兄姐妹们就自己关心的问题踊跃发言,长执会和牧师都耐心解答。座谈会获得了弟兄姐妹们的一致好评。PVCCC Board invited church members to attend a Town Hall Meeting 06/18 to explain and clarify some issues and apologized for the slowness of action. Pastor Douglas Huang expressed his sincere apology for his shortcomings and requested the forgiveness of church congregation. Brothers and sisters asked many questions they care about during the Q&A session. The Town Hall Meeting was highly thought by the attendees. |
平安谷教会06/12举行2016高中毕业生欢送仪式,为即将进入大学深造的陈天恒 (Swarthmore College)、彭元遵(Rice University)和杨立儒(Washington University)祷告祝福。此外,时安妮 (UPITTS) 和Evelyn Ma (UCSD)因事外出,王鹤锦(Binghamton University in NY)已先期回中国。求神祝福并带领毕业生们在大学找到合适的教会,使他们能走當行的道,就是到老也不偏離。PVCCC held 2016 High School Graduate Farewell Ceremony to bless and pray for the graduates: Calvin Chan (Swarthmore College), Zane Peng (Rice University) and Sennett Yang (Washington University) while other three absent: Annie Shi (UPITTS), Evelyn Ma (UCSD) and Yolanda Wang (Binghamton University in NY, back to China earlier). May God bless these graduates and lead them to find the proper church at college and live in the way they should go, and will not depart from it even when old. |
哈利路亚,感谢神!共有六位弟兄姐妹:万凯,杨丽珍,姜霞,刘君,翁立瑜和任崧于05/22奉圣父、圣子和圣灵的名受洗,成为神的孩子。 Hallelujah, Praise the Lord! Totally six brothers and sisters: Kai Wan, Lizhen Yang, Emma Jiang, Jun Liu, Liru Weng and Mark Ren were baptised 05/22 at PVCCC. |
儿童献诗 Children Body Worship: 我的一举一动 Every Move I Make |
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 永不止息的爱 The Unfailing Love |
2016 平安谷青年团契福音剧 PVCCC Youth Gospel Jam 050116 |
平安谷教会很荣幸地邀请到马来西亚古晋蒙福教会的林义忠牧师于04/22-24三天主领林义忠音乐培灵、布道会。弟兄姐妹们大受激励,灵里饱足, 受益匪浅,共有二十多位慕道友决志信主。PVCCC is very honored to invite GT Lim, the senior pastor of Blessed Church Kuching and an international renowned Malaysian Chinese composer and singer, to hold GT Lim Musical Gospel Concert and Revival Meetings. Brothers and sisters were greatly inspired and well fed spiritually. Over 20 seekers determined to become Christians.
聚会录像 Videos:
吴树华长老/沈明婉夫妇即将搬迁至华盛顿特区与女儿同住。长执同工于04/23聚会欢送吴长老夫妇。愿神祝福他们搬迁的脚步,并继续祝福恩待他们在DC的生活和事奉。吴长老/明婉,我们想念你们。Elder Richard Wu/May will move to DC to live close to their daughter. PVCCC Board had a farewell party for Elder Wu 04/23. May God bless their moving, life and serving in DC. Dear Richard/May, you will be dearly missed by PVCCC Family.
姊妹团契组织大家于04/02前往Fairmont Park观赏樱花,并在附近的中餐馆享用早茶。弟兄姐妹和睦同居,是何等的美,何等的善。Sisters Fellowship went to Fairmont Park to view cherry blossom and enjoyed Dim Sum at a Chinese restaurant nearby. How good and pleasant it is when kindred live together in unity.
平安谷教会于3月25日晚举行受难日特别崇拜, 纪念救主耶稣基督为我们所做的牺牲。PVCCC held a special Good Friday service at 7:30-9:00PM on March 25th in remembrance of the sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
视频 Video: 受难日特别崇拜 Good Friday Special Service
儿童献诗 Children Body Worship: 主我高举你的名 Lord I Lift Your Name On High |
诗班献诗 Hymn Dedication: 胜利的凯旋 The Mightly Triumph |
平安谷教会于02/06举行2016春节晚会, 弟兄姐妹们欢聚一堂共度新春佳节。PVCCC held 2016 Chinese New Year Concert 02/06, Saturday. Brothers and sisters got together to celebrate the traditional Chinese New Year.
2015平安谷圣诞晚会 2015 PVCCC Christmas Concert(部分视频 Partial Videos、照片 Photos) |
平安谷教会于01/03举行仪式,设立当选连任的许永光长老和柯如琇执事, 并按立新当选的李冰泉和袁化冰两位执事。PVCCC held ceremony to install the second term Elder Wing Huie and Deacon Lucy Yin, and ordain the first elected Deacon Bingquan Li and Benjamin Yuan. |
段萍姐妹追思礼拜会于01/02/16举行,追思礼拜会温暖而感人, 求主安慰震生弟兄和家人的心,也纪念教会弟兄姐妹们的爱心关怀和付出。The warm and touching memorial Service of Sister Ping Duan was held 01/02/16. May God comfort the hearts of brother Zhensheng and his family, and memorize the loving care and efforts of PVCCC brothers and sisters. |
2015年新闻存档 News Archives 2015 |
2014年新闻存档 News Archives 2014 |