平安谷华人基督教会诗班在帼琳和漫红姐妹的帮助下,于2013年4月成立。弟兄姐妹们借着发自内心的歌声敬拜赞美我们的主,我们的神。诗班每周主日下午2:00-3:00在教会练唱,由罗敏慧弟兄担任指挥。欢迎爱好唱歌,愿意委身的弟兄姐妹们参加. PVCCC Choir was founded in April, 2013 with the help of sisters Winnie and Stephanie. Brothers and sisters worship and praise the Lord, our God with the hymns from the bottom of our hearts. We practice every Sunday afternoon 2:00-3:00 PM at church. Brother Manwai Lo, the conductor. We welcome the devout brothers and sisters who love singing to join us.