见证分享 Testimonies and Sharings


见证分享 Sharing of Testimonies

2015感恩分享 2015 Thanksgiving Sharing

长执候选人见证- 袁化冰 Benjamin Yuan 121315

长执候选人见证- 李冰泉 Bingquan Li 120615

长执候选人见证- 柯如琇 Lucy Yin 111515

长执候选人见证- 许永光 Wing Huie 112215

DSC_3340DSC_3240平安谷华人基督教会有幸邀请到原国际读经会台湾总会总干事廖明发牧师和音乐家江锡铭宣教士于10月9-11日来平安谷教会举行系列培灵、传福音及音乐布道会。PVCCC is very honored to invite Pastor Minfa Liao, former Director of Scripture Union in Taiwan and Missionary Ximing Jiang, a renowned musician to have a series of revival, evangelism training and musical gospel concert from 10/09 Friday to 10/11 Sunday.
活动视频如下 Event Videos:


盧得生牧師于6/21-23 (週五, 週六, 主日)在我們當中举行钢琴音樂會, 佈道會, 及主日证道. We are very honored to invite Pastor Saved Lo to have a series of Piano Concert, Gospel Meeting and Sermon for the past weekend 06/21-23.

MP3 录音如下 (MP3 Recordings as following):

06/21, 音樂見證分享 Music Sharing and Testimonies

06/22, 主必快来 (1) The Lord is Coming Soon (1)

06/23, 主必快来 (2) The Lord is Coming Soon (2)


宣教士Tom Atwood于05/17晚在教会分享他响应神的呼召,在以色列未信的犹太人中发放希伯来文圣经的见证。Brother Tom Atwood shared 05/17/13 the testimonies of how he followed God’s leading to distribute Hebrew Bible among the unbeliever Jews in Israel.


DSC_0142我们很荣幸地邀请到 “香柏领导力机构”赵晓博士于04/14/13来平安谷教会分享<<願你的國降臨: 有十字架的变革与21世纪中国>>。他以30-30意象和弟兄姐妹们共勉,即至2030年中国大陆城市化进程完成之前,中国大陆的基督徒人数占总人口的比例超过30%。PVCCC is very honoied to invite Dr. Xiao Zhao, the founder of “Cypress Leadership Institute” to share <<Thy kingdom come:The Change with Cross and China in 21st Century>> on 04/14/13. He encouraged us with Vision 30-30:  To 2030 when the urbanization in China is finished, the percentage of Chinese Christian reaches 30%.

MP3 录音 Recording



MP3 录音如下:

清清楚楚读神的话 Reading God’s Words Clearly 03/08/13

圣经分析排版本介绍 Introduction of Bible (Analytical Layout Version) 03/09/13-1

个人信仰的根基 The Foundation of Personal Faith 03/09/13-2

教会的成立与增长 (主日讲道)The Founding and Growth of Church (Sunday Sermon) 03/10/13


胡伟伟姐妹在教会作题为 “才德的妇人”见证, 分享神在她身上的奇妙作为. Sister Wendy Moy made a testimony with title of ” The Woman of Wisdom and Virtue” to share God’s amazing grace on her (01/11/13).