祷告事工:弟兄姐妹们每周三晚7:30-9:00 PM 在教会为着众教会,本地区和神国度的需要和复兴祷告。也为有需要的,软弱的肢体祷告。我们真诚欢迎你和我们一起向我们的永生神求告。欢迎将你的需要告诉我们。我们乐意与你一起向主求告。
Prayer Ministry: We have Prayer Meeting 7:30-9:00 PM every Wednesday at PVCCC. We pray for the expansion of Kingdom, the revival of churches, Eastern Coast, United States, Israel and brothers and sisters in need or with weakness as well. You are warmly welcomed to join us to offer the sacrifice of prayer to our everlasting God. We welcome you to share your needs with us. We delight in going to the Lord with you.