2014年新闻存档 News Archives 2014 |
平安谷华人基督教会诗班很高兴地穿上新的诗袍,于12/14在教会献诗《圣诞组曲》。PVCCC Choir gladly worn the new robe 12/14 to dedicate hymn <<Christmas Medley>> |
平安谷华人基督教会于12月14日召开会友大会,陈津生和韩英豪、余晓、朱志宏分别当选为平安谷华人教会2015-2017年度长老和职事。求主祝福他们,并赐智慧和才干,带领弟兄姐妹们同心合一地侍奉,荣耀神的名。PVCCC held a Congregation Meeting 12/14 to elect new Elder and Deacons. Ronald Han, Sean Yu, Zhihong Zhu and James Cheng were elected respectively as the new Deacon and Elder of 2015-2017. We pray that God will bless them abundantly with wisdom and talents to lead the church and glorify God’s name. |
平安谷教会于12/13第一次在自己的教会成功地举行了2014年圣诞晚会。弟兄姐妹们倾情出演,节目精彩纷呈。For the first time, PVCCC held a wonderful 2014 Christmas Concert in our own building. Brothers and sisters performed with all of their hearts and passion. |
谢谢弟兄姐妹们的爱心, 平安谷教会于11/23在主日崇拜后举行感恩午餐,大家乐享神赐的美食的同时,也一起数算神的恩典。Thanks to the love of brothers and sisters, PVCCC held a Thanksgiving Lunch 11/23 after the service. While enjoying the abundant food bestowed by God, brothers and sisters counted gratefully all the blessings from God. |
平安谷教会于11/21举行《应许之地—感恩见证会》,弟兄姐妹们踊跃分享生动感人的故事,见证神的大能。PVCCC held <<Promised Land-Thanksgiving Sharing Meeting>> 11/21, many brothers and sisters shared their personal moving story to testify God’s might. |
由韩国宣教机构InterCP主办、平安谷教会协办的宣教培训课程–异象学校于11月22日落下帷幕, 本教会的吴漫红、林潮英、王米娜、谢乐溢、邵立评和朱志宏顺利毕业,并在毕业典礼上作有关宣教的见证分享。 求神持续燃起他们心中宣教的热情,并为他们预备宣教的道路。The Vision School, a mission class hosted by Korean mission organization-InterCP, and supported by PVCCC , came to the end 11/22. Stephanie, Lynn, Mina, Sarah, Liping and Zhihong of PVCCC graduated smoothly, and shared their testimonies about mission on the graduation ceremony. God, please keep the compassion for mission in their hearts and pave the road of mission for them. |
InterCP异象学校于 10/23, 星期四在平安谷教会开设“伊斯兰教讲座”,由InterCP的创立者Paul Choi弟兄介绍伊斯兰教概览及当今中东基督教宣教局势。讲座吸引了费城地区中、美、菲、韩多间教会的众多弟兄姐妹们参加。PVCCC hosted an Islam Seminar by InterCP Vision School 10/23, Thursday. Paul Choi, the Founder of InterCP introduced the survey of Islam and the Christian mission situation in Middle East. This seminar drew many brothers and sisters from local Chinese, American, Philipino and Korean churches in Philadelphia. |
姊妹团契于10/11在教会聚会。聚会中姐妹们一起赞美、分享、跳舞,以及对姐妹团契的回顾和展望。大家在愉快的古典音乐中一起享用英式午茶。Sisters Fellowship gathered 10/11 at PVCCC to praise, share, dance and review, prospect the Sister Fellowship as well. With the delightful classic music, all enjoyed the English afternoon tea.
录影 Video:姊妹团契聚会101114
赞美我们全能的神!段萍姐妹于10/05受洗成为神的子民。我们祷告,求神医治的大能和怜悯临到她,使她身上的疾病完全消失,并恢复神起初造人时的荣美。Praise our almighty God! Sister Ping Duan was baptised 10/05. We pray that God’s healing and mercy will be upon her, and her diseases will completely healed. The beauty when God created human in the beginning will be restored on her.
纪录片《秋香》于09/20在平安谷教会放映. 放映之前,《秋香》制片人陈雅芳牧师借助《媒体宣教-微电影制作》的培训讲座, 教导大家如何利用媒体宣教;放映后,影片制作团队包括女主角秋香和观众见面,并回答观众提问。Documentary Movie《Chiu-Hsiang》was screened 09/20 at PVCCC. Before screening, there was workshop《Mission with Media-How to make a micromovie》, Pastor Yafang Chen, the producer, taught the audience how to preach with media. After the screening, the crews including the main character Chiu-Hsiang met the audience and had a Q&A session.
专为服事中国小留学生而成立的平安谷小羊事工于08/30在教会举行«2014中国新生培训»,由刘宝全牧师讲解«寄宿家庭/学生须知»,而志宏弟兄则介绍了«美国习俗及安全事项»。The Little Lamb Ministry of PVCCC specifically serving Chinese young students held <<2014 Orientation for Chinese New Students>> 08/30/14 at PVCCC. Pastor Clifford explained <<Homestay Information for Host family and Students>>, while Brother Zhihong introduced <<American Custom and Safety Notes>>.
平安谷教会于08/17主日崇拜结束后, 在教会举行迁入新址后的首次活动-烧烤聚会,共有近两百位弟兄姐妹及其家人和朋友参加。PVCCC held the first event of BBQ 08/17 after moving into the new location. Near 200 brothers and sisters and their families and friends as well joined joyfully.
我们非常荣幸邀请到85岁高龄的杨嘉善长老于08/09星期六在教会和我们分享神带领他在中亚吉尔吉斯建立基督教学校宣教的感人见证。谢谢您祷告、奉献帮助他们的宣教事工。We are very glad to invite 85 year old Elder Jiashan Yang to share with us the testimony of how God led him to build Christian schools in Kyrgyzstan. Thanks for your prayer and financial support to their mission.
录影 Video:杨嘉善长老宣教分享 Sharing of Elder Yang
《安堡新闻报》记者日前采访了黄德馨牧师和陈津生长老,并于08/10刊登了题为《华人基督教会入驻华盛顿堡办公园》的新闻专访。The journalist of <<Ambler Gazette>> interviewed Pastor Douglas Huang and Elder James Cheng, and published the interview article <<Chinese Christian Church moves to Fort Washington Office Park>> 08/10. |
敬爱的邱伯母(邱周秋音姐妹)的追思礼拜于08/02举行,愿她在神的怀中安息。邱伯母,我们想念您。The memorial ceremony of our beloved Ms. Chew was held 08/02. May she rest in God’s arm with peace. Dear Ms. Chew, we miss you. |
我们很高兴地邀请到InterCP Vision School的Yumi姐妹于06/22和我们分享他们激励人心的宣教工作。PVCCC was very pleased to invite Sister Yumi of InterCP Vision School 06/22/14 to share their encouraging mission work. |
感谢赞美主! 陈天欣、陈天恒、雷昊朗和万佳乐于06/15受洗成为神的子民。Praise the Lord! Iris Chan, Calvin Chan, Joshua Wan and Longan Loi were baptised into God’s people. |
谢谢姊妹团契的爱心,弟兄姐妹们06/15在教会草坪上举行烧烤,庆祝父亲节。Thanks to the love of Sisters Fellowship, brothers and sister held a BBQ 06/15 on the lawn to celebrate Father’s Day. |
刘宝全牧师,黄德馨牧师、Daniel弟兄及众长老于06/08为即将升入大学的高中毕业生们祷告祝福。Pastor Cliffort Liu, Pastor Douglas Huang, Brother Daniel Phelps and the Elders prayed and blessed those high school graduates at church 06/08. |
哈利路亚!于连姐妹和曲子宜弟兄于06/08受洗归入主的名下。Hallelujah! Sister Lian Yu and Brother Jesse Qu were baptised in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. |
我们很荣幸地邀请到新加坡神学院的潘隆正牧师,于06/01在我们当中传讲神的话语。We are glad to invite Pastor Michael Phua of Singapore Theology Seminary to sermon at PVCCC 06/01. |
感谢赞美主!张威姐妹05/18受洗归入主的名下。张威和儿子豪豪将很快回到中国,求神保守看顾张威灵命的成长和豪豪的健康,让他们在中国为主作荣耀的见证。Praise the Lord! Sister Wei Zhang was baptised 05/18 under the name of Jesus Christ. They will go back to China soon. God, please bless Wei’s spiritual growth and her son, Haohao’s health, and let them glorify your name. |
Chuck Chan牧师05/16晚在教会作题为《天父的中国心》的见证分享, 讲述他和太太如何向中国的打工者传扬福音,培训神的工人。Pastor Chuck Chan shared at PVCCC 05/16 night how he and his wife preached gospel among the Chinese migrant workers and trained God’s servants. |
平安谷教会05/11为谢恩姐妹和女儿乐溢按手祷告,求主保守看顾她们服事中国彝族地区未信之民的宣教之旅。PVCCC sent Sister Augusta and her daughter Sarah Allen to serve the Yi people in China with a laying hand prayer.
彝族事工短片Trailer of Yi Ministry: 佳美脚踪 Beautiful Feet
林曼华姐妹04/20在教会作见证,讲述神如何带领她一路走过长达十年的诉讼艰辛。Sister Mandy Lin testified 04/20 at church how God led her to go through the hardship of ten years’ lawsuits. |
复活节特别节目 Easter Special Programs
儿童献诗 Hymn dedication by PVCCC Children: 我要向高山举目 Beholding the High Mountains / 耶稣深不可测的大爱 O the Deep Deep the Love of Jesus
青年话剧 Youth Musical:悲惨世界 Les Miserables
诗班献诗 Hymn dedication by PVCCC Choir:十字架的能力 The Power of the Cross
谢赞美主!黄德馨牧师、陈津生长老和安妃姐妹于05/01出席并完成教会新址签约和交接仪式,至此,平安谷华人基督教会已正式购得位于565 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA的教会新堂, 求主大大祝福并使用我们的新址。Praise the Lord! Pastor Douglas Huang, Elder James Cheng and Sister Anfei Hsu signed the documents 05/01 to officially finish the settlement of the purchase of our new church building at 565 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington, PA. Lord, we pray you will greatly bless and use our new church location. |
平安谷教会04/13举行会友大会,投票决定是否购买位于565 Virginia Drive, Ft. Washington的房产。弟兄姐妹们达成了空前的一致,有高达95%的选票赞成购买。PVCCC held a congregation meeting 04/13 to vote on the purchase of property at 565 Virginia Drive, Fort Washington as future PVCCC location. Praise the Lord, brothers and sisters reached unprecedented unity, and up to 95% voters agreed to this purchase. |
哈利路亚!王鹤锦、宋倩和张紫淇03/30受洗归入主的名下。hallelujah! Hejin Wang, Qian Song and Ziqi Zhang were baptised 03/30 in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ |
感谢主,陈甲子姐妹于03/16在教会受洗成为神的孩子,请为她灵命的成长和家庭祷告。Praise the Lord, sister Jiazi Chen was baptised at PVCCC 03/16 as the child of God. Please prayer for her spiritual growth and family. |
余晓、潮英夫妇的大女儿余凯琳03/09在教会作见证,讲述神怎样带领她和她的团队在土耳其的福音之旅。因为安全原因,请向余晓弟兄索取见证录影链接。Kathleen Yu, the elder daughter of Sean and Lynn, testified 03/09 how God led her recent mission trip in Turkey. For security reason, please request the video link from Brother Sean. |
韩冰弟兄03/09见证神的恩典和大能使他得以战胜晚期鼻咽癌,重新恢复健康。Brother Bin Han had a testimony of God’s grace and power enabling him survive the late stage nasal cancer.
录影 Video:韩冰弟兄的见证
平安谷教会于01/31/14在教会举行2014年农历新春联欢晚会,尽管准备时间紧,但在弟兄姐妹的同心努力之下,节目精彩纷呈。PVCCC held 2014 Lunar Spring Festival Gala at church 01/31/14. Despite the short preparation, the gala was wonderful with unity and passion of brothers and sisters.
哈里路亚,杨立儒弟兄01/26/14受洗归入主的名下。Hallelujah! Sennett Yang was baptized in the name of Lord Jesus Christ 01/26/14. |
新当选的吴树华弟兄,吴漫红姐妹和刘海婴,李峰弟兄于一月五日正式被设立为平安谷华人教会新一届长老和职事。The newly elected Richard Wu, Stephanie Lingle and Haiying Liu, Feng Li were formally installed as PVCCC Elders and Deacons 01/05/14. |
感谢主, 杨文佳姐妹12/28/13受洗成为神的子民。Praise the Lord, Amy Yang was baptized as the child of God 12/28/13. |
平安谷教会于12/15晚举行2013年圣诞晚会。弟兄姐妹们倾情出演,节目精彩纷呈。2013 PVCCC Christmas Concert was held 12/15. Brothers and sisters performed with full compassion, and the programs are exciting and wonderful.
平安谷教会很荣幸地邀请到馮秉誠牧師于12/01举行 題为“認識基督”的布道会,弟兄姐妹们踴躍参加,收益匪浅。 PVCCC had a great honor to invite Rev. Bingcheng Feng to preach 12/01 with a title of “Knowing the Christ”. A lot of brothers and sisters attended and tremendously benefitted from Pastor Feng’s teaching. |
费城华人牧师团契于十月五日星期六在平安谷华人基督教会为黄德馨传道举行按牧典礼. Philadelphia Chinese Minister Fellowship held the Pastoral Ordination Ceremony for Douglas Huang on Saturday, 10/05/13 at PVCCC.
按牧典礼多媒体文件如下 Media Files of the Ceremony:
献诗 Hymn:竭诚献上 My Utmost for You