Oct 1, 2017
使徒行傳(十八)使徒行傳7:54-8:4教會大受逼迫 Acts 7:54-8:4 Great Persecution
Series: Acts
一、極大的逼迫Great Persecution
二、聖徒的功課Precious for Saints
(1)神的安排Ordination of God
(2)父的訓練Training of Heavenly Father
(3)與主合一Union with Christ
(4)煉淨教會Purify the Church
(5)天上賞賜Reward in Heaven
三、掃羅的功課What about Saul?
(1)認識自己To prove his own testimony
(2)認識聖經To know the Scripture deeply
(3)認識主權To confess the LORD is lord
(4)認識恩典To know what grace is
四、我們的功課Our Applications
- Oct 1, 2017使徒行傳(十八)使徒行傳7:54-8:4教會大受逼迫 Acts 7:54-8:4 Great PersecutionOct 1, 2017使徒行傳(十八)使徒行傳7:54-8:4教會大受逼迫 Acts 7:54-8:4 Great PersecutionSeries: Acts一、極大的逼迫Great Persecution(1)當一切都不再管用(2)從個人到全面逼迫二、聖徒的功課Precious for Saints(1)神的安排Ordination of God(2)父的訓練Training of Heavenly Father(3)與主合一Union with Christ(4)煉淨教會Purify the Church(5)天上賞賜Reward in Heaven三、掃羅的功課What about Saul?(1)認識自己To prove his own testimony(2)認識聖經To know the Scripture deeply(3)認識主權To confess the LORD is lord(4)認識恩典To know what grace is四、我們的功課Our Applications(1)認識信仰-曉得人性的黑暗、感恩救贖的偉大(2)活出信仰-時常行善、對人寬容、堅定傳福音(3)預備受迫-在主基督裡安息、為逼迫者代求
- Sep 24, 2017使徒行傳(十七)使徒行傳7:44-60司提反殉道 Acts 7:44-60 Stephen’s MartyrdomSep 24, 2017使徒行傳(十七)使徒行傳7:44-60司提反殉道 Acts 7:44-60 Stephen’s MartyrdomSeries: Acts大綱:司提反殉道Outline: Stephen's Martyrdom一、羅馬帝國下的猶太教與基督徒Judaism and Christians under Rome(1)特權宗教Privileged Religion(2)分道揚鑣Watershed This Moment On二、司提反面對的指控與他的回答Accusation Against Stephen and his answer(1)神與聖殿God & His Holy Temple (vv.44-50)(2)神的言語God & His Holy Word (vv.51-53)(3)榮耀殉道Glory & Martyrdom (vv.54-60)三、司提反證道、殉道與我們應用Conclusion and Application(1)我們死了後去哪裡?Where Do Christians God Right after Death?(2)我們是否崇拜人手所造的殿?Do We Worship Temple Made by Human Hands?(3)我們是否被神的聖言定罪?Are We Convicted by God's Word?(4)我們是否被耶穌所接收?Are We Be Received by Jesus?
- Sep 17, 2017路加福音23:33-49十字架下生命的改變Luke 23:33-49 Life Changed under the CrossSep 17, 2017路加福音23:33-49十字架下生命的改變Luke 23:33-49 Life Changed under the CrossBy: Yuk-Ling KongSeries: (All)
- Sep 10, 2017馬可福音10:13-16誰能進神國?Mark 10:13-16 Who Shall Enter the Kingdom of God?Sep 10, 2017馬可福音10:13-16誰能進神國?Mark 10:13-16 Who Shall Enter the Kingdom of God?Series: (All)Background: The Hard Sayings of Jesus (First Half of Mark 10)背景:耶穌所說,難以令人接受的話(馬可福音10章前半部)(1)Three paragraphs: On Divorce, Let Little Children Come to Me, the Rich Young Ruler三段落:離婚、讓小孩子來、有錢少年官(2)Why we don't feel the difficulties on the second paragraph我們為什麼認為第二段不困難?(3)Disciples said, "Then, who can be saved?" Jesus said, "It is impossible for man, but not for God."門徒說「這樣,誰還能得救啊?」耶穌說「人當然辦不到,但神卻不是如此」Text正文(1)Jesus Was Indignant (vv.13-14a) Unhappy Opening耶穌生氣(2)Jesus Gave a Teaching (vv.14b-15) Hard Saying of Jesus耶穌教導(3)Jesus' Triple Blessing (v.16) Embrace, Bless, Lay Hands耶穌祝福Application應用(1) For Parents, Bring Your Children to Jesus對父母來說, 把你的孩子帶來給耶穌(2) For Disciples, Do Not Hinder Little Children對門徒來說,不要禁止孩子來(3) For All, Turn and Become Like Children對所有人,回轉像孩子吧!
- Sep 3, 2017使徒行傳(十六)使徒行傳7:1-50司提反證道 Acts 7:1-50 Stephen’s SermonSep 3, 2017使徒行傳(十六)使徒行傳7:1-50司提反證道 Acts 7:1-50 Stephen’s SermonSeries: Acts簡介《使徒行傳》7章背景Intro: Background of Acts 7 一、特別的講道An Unique Speech 二、重要的講道An Important Speech三、控告與護教Accusation & Apology三、領袖與棄絕Leaders & Rejectionvv.44-50大衛/所羅門David/Solomon
- Aug 27, 2017馬可福音12:1-12福音的奧秘
- Aug 13, 2017馬太福音26:26-30耶穌設立聖餐 Matthew 26:26-30 Jesus Instituted EucharistAug 13, 2017馬太福音26:26-30耶穌設立聖餐 Matthew 26:26-30 Jesus Instituted EucharistSeries: (All)前言:耶穌設立聖餐正文(1)聖餐的意義(2)聖餐的操作(3)聖餐的陷阱應用:憑信心領用(1)常常領用(2)按規矩領用附註Note:在 41:30 英文會眾加入,證道成為雙語The sermon became bilingual at 41:30 when English Congregation.在 50:15 聖餐/回應詩歌The Eucharist/Responsive starts at 50:15在 54:15 開始領聖餐The Eucharist starts at 54:15
- Aug 6, 2017使徒行傳(十五)使徒行傳6:8-15司提反被捕 Acts 6:8-15 Stephen is SeizedAug 6, 2017使徒行傳(十五)使徒行傳6:8-15司提反被捕 Acts 6:8-15 Stephen is SeizedSeries: Acts前言:背景介紹與複習正文:司提反被捕(1)司提反的特質(2)自由人的行為應用:我們的功課(1)滿有聖靈(2)在基督裡
- Jul 30, 2017使徒行傳(十四)使徒行傳6:1-7選舉執事 Acts 6:1-7 Electing DeaconsJul 30, 2017使徒行傳(十四)使徒行傳6:1-7選舉執事 Acts 6:1-7 Electing DeaconsSeries: Acts背景:正文:選舉執事(1)目的(2)資格(3)結果應用:我們的功課
- Jul 23, 2017使徒行傳(十三)使徒行傳5:33-42迦瑪列 Acts 5:33-42 GamalielJul 23, 2017使徒行傳(十三)使徒行傳5:33-42迦瑪列 Acts 5:33-42 GamalielSeries: Acts背景複習 Review of Background 迦瑪列是誰?他說什麼?Who is Gamaliel? What Did He Say? (1)領袖迦瑪列Leader Gamaliel (vv.33-34) (2)有力的講論Powerful Advice (vv.35-39) (3)事實的真相A True Analysis (vv.40)應用:真正尊貴Applications: True Honor(1)看見神的標準(2)認識基督的死與復活(3)因著與主聯合,而預備為主受苦(4)經歷與主聯合的喜樂