- May 19, 20132013五旬節信息-使徒行傳1:4-5,8; 2:1-4a
- May 12, 20132013母親節信息-加拉太書4:19
- May 5, 2013羅馬書(二十二)因信稱義-神稱罪人為義 Romans 4:1-5 God Justifies Sinners
- Apr 21, 2013羅馬書(二十一)因信稱義-論堅固律法 Romans 3:21-31 Justification to Uphold the Law
- Apr 14, 2013羅馬書(二十)因信稱義-論稱義 Romans 3:21-26 Justification
- Apr 7, 2013羅馬書(十九)因信稱義-論信心 Romans 3:21-26 Justification Through Faith
- Mar 31, 2013耶穌復活後第三次向門徒顯現Third Appearance After Resurrection
- Mar 17, 2013羅馬書(十八)但如今神的義顯出來 Romans 3:21-26 But Now, God’s Righteous is Manifested
- Mar 3, 2013羅馬書(十七)普世的人都伏在神審判之下 Romans 3:13-20 All under Judgment of God
- Feb 24, 2013羅馬書(十六)沒有義人 Romans 3:9-12 None Righteous