Sep 27, 2015
羅馬書(八十九)羅馬書14:17-19聖靈裡的喜樂 Romans 14:17-19 Joy in the Holy Spirit
Series: Romans
- Sep 27, 2015羅馬書(八十九)羅馬書14:17-19聖靈裡的喜樂 Romans 14:17-19 Joy in the Holy SpiritSep 27, 2015羅馬書(八十九)羅馬書14:17-19聖靈裡的喜樂 Romans 14:17-19 Joy in the Holy SpiritSeries: Romans聖靈的喜樂(1)喜樂的特質(2)我們有嗎?(3)如何得到?
- Sep 20, 2015羅馬書(八十八)羅馬書14:13-17聖靈裡的公義、聖潔、喜樂 Romans 14:13-17 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy SpiritSep 20, 2015羅馬書(八十八)羅馬書14:13-17聖靈裡的公義、聖潔、喜樂 Romans 14:13-17 Righteousness, Peace, Joy in the Holy SpiritSeries: Romans簡介:(1)《羅馬書》14:16-19是《羅馬書》14:1-15的總整理(2)三種人面對次要問題的反應(3)第17節是最關鍵的重點正文:(1)翻譯問題(2)聖靈中的公義(3)聖靈中的和平操作:(1)認識屬靈的公義與和平(2)追求屬靈的公義與和平(3)經歷屬靈的公義與和平
- Sep 13, 2015羅馬書(八十七)羅馬書14:13-17潔淨、不潔淨 Romans 14:13-17 Clean and UncleanSep 13, 2015羅馬書(八十七)羅馬書14:13-17潔淨、不潔淨 Romans 14:13-17 Clean and UncleanSeries: Romans面對次要問題 Intro: Indifferent Issues and Treatment一、羅馬書14:1-5 遇到次要問題( 信仰麻醉時) Rom 14:1-5 Facing Indifferent Issues in The Faith二、羅馬書14:6-9 先檢查你和主的關係 Rom 14:6-12 Examine Your Relationship to The Lord first三、羅馬書14:10 檢驗你和弟兄的關係 Rom 14:10 Examine Your Relationship to the Lord's Family四、羅馬書14:11-12 曉得你要被審判 Rom 14:11-12 Examination before the Judgment Seat of God憑著主耶穌深知、確信 Text: I Know and am Persuaded一、深知、確信 Know and Am Persuaded(1)雙重強調; (2)說話的人是保羅二、憑著主耶穌 In Lord Jesus (≠ “in Christ”)(1)不是「在基督裡」; (2)奉主耶穌的權柄三、潔淨、不潔 Clean and Unclean(1)宗教用語; (2)凡物「本來」沒有不潔淨; (3)但是有一種情況會成為不潔淨的操作:家人與接納 Practice: Family and Acceptance一、如果你是「信仰麻醉」的人... If you are weak in the faith...二、如果你是「信仰剛強」的人... If you are sound in the faith...三、家人與接納:神的原則 Principles in God's Family and Acceptance(1)接納人≠接納意見 Receiving you ≠ Receiving your opinion不接納你的意見≠不接納你 Not receiving your opinion ≠ Not receiving you(2)教會是屬靈的身體,需要用屬靈的原則思想處理 Church is a Spiritual body under Spiritual principles(3)教會是基督的身體,需要主耶穌的聖潔、公義、智慧、慈愛、權柄、榮耀… Church is Christ's body with his holiness, justice, wisdom, mercy, love, etc.
- Sep 6, 2015羅馬書(八十六)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(3) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithSep 6, 2015羅馬書(八十六)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(3) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithSeries: Romans前言:思想你的基督徒生活 Think of Your Christian Practice (v.5)正文:檢驗你的基督徒生活 Examine Your Christian Practice (v.6-9)一、檢驗你的起點(榮耀神、感謝神) Examine Your Starting Point (Honor God, Thank God) (v.6)二、檢驗你的過程(為主活、為主死) Examine Your Standing Point (Live to God, Die to God) (v.7-9)三、檢驗你的操作(站立、跪拜、說明) Examine Your Christian Practice (Stand, Kneel, Give Account) (v.10-12)操作:懼怕或信心 Are You Fear-Driven or Faith Driven?
- Aug 30, 2015羅馬書(八十五)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(2) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithAug 30, 2015羅馬書(八十五)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(2) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithSeries: Romans簡介:面對次要問題「父子騎驢」 Intro: Father, Son, and a Donkey正文:信心軟弱 Text: Weak in The Faith(1)什麼意思?What does it mean?(2)什麼危險?What danger it has?(3)如何解決?How to deal with it?
- Aug 23, 2015羅馬書(八十四)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(1) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithAug 23, 2015羅馬書(八十四)羅馬書14:1-12信心軟弱(1) Romans 14:1-12 Weak in the FaithSeries: Romans簡介:絕對重要的次要問題 The Absolute Importance of Indifferent Issues一、新的段落New Section二、次要問題Indifferent Issues三、我們態度Our Attitude兩種人、兩種問題、當今問題Two People, Two Issues, and Today一、兩種人Two People二、兩種問題Two Issues三、當今問題Today解決方法:操作 Solution: DOs, DON'Ts, and More一、不要… Do Not …二、 要 … Do …三、最重要The Most Important …
- Aug 16, 2015羅馬書(八十三)羅馬書13:11-14光與暗(2)愛人如己 Romans 13:11-14 Light and Darkness (II) Love Your Neighbor As YourselfAug 16, 2015羅馬書(八十三)羅馬書13:11-14光與暗(2)愛人如己 Romans 13:11-14 Light and Darkness (II) Love Your Neighbor As YourselfSeries: Romans複習與前言 Review and Prologue愛人如己 Love Your Neighbor As Yourself一、基本操作 Basic Practice (羅Rom 13:9)「不可姦淫、不可殺人、不可偷盜、不可貪婪」或有別的誡命,都包在 「愛人如己」這一句話之內了。二、進階操作 Advanced Practice (羅Rom 13:13-14)「不可好色邪蕩、不可爭競嫉妒、不要放縱私慾、不可荒宴醉酒」三、積極操作 Positive Practice (羅Rom 13:12,13,14)「帶上光明兵器、行事為人端正、披戴主耶穌基督」最後提醒 Reminders一、急迫性 Urgency二、消極、積極同等重要 Both Negative and Positive Practices are Important三、披戴基督的操作(1)明確地獻身給主耶穌基督(2)不是獻給縮小的,而是完整的基督(3)不是披戴縮小的,而是完整的基督(4)每個人必須自己遇見神(5)不是一勞永逸,而是長期付代價
- Aug 9, 2015羅馬書(八十二)羅馬書13:11-14光與暗(1)趁早睡醒 Romans 13:11-14 Light and Darkness (I) Sleepers, Awake!Aug 9, 2015羅馬書(八十二)羅馬書13:11-14光與暗(1)趁早睡醒 Romans 13:11-14 Light and Darkness (I) Sleepers, Awake!Series: Romans前言:經文綜覽(行動與末世)Intro: An Overview of the Passage正文:關鍵經節Text: A Key Verse一、重要性:再者,你們曉得Importance: Besides this, you know …二、急迫性:時候到了Urgency: The time, that the hour has come三、行動性:趁早睡醒Action: Sleepers, Awake!操作:愛人如己Practice: Love Your Neighbor as Yourself一、愛人如己的困難The Difficulties二、困難主要原因Main reason why it is difficult三、解決的第一步The Cure: First Step
- Aug 2, 2015羅馬書(八十一)羅馬書13:8-10律法與愛 Romans 13:8-10 Law and LoveAug 2, 2015羅馬書(八十一)羅馬書13:8-10律法與愛 Romans 13:8-10 Law and LoveSeries: Romans前言:特殊的經文( 與上下文關係) Intro: Special Passage (connection to context)一、有什麼關連? Why here? Any connection?二、合理的關連: Reasonable connection(1) 第7 到第8 節From v.7 to v.8(2) 與人關係進深Christian Practice in depth(3) 屬靈內含進深Spiritual Truth in depthvv.3-4 恐懼與益處Fear & Benefitv.5 刑罰與良心Punishment & Consciencevv.8-10 律法與愛心Law & Love正文:深刻的經文Text: A Deep Passage—Love is full of wonder一、奇妙的愛-兩個奇妙特性2 wonders二、奇妙的愛-四個解經困難4 questions(1) 律法愛心是相對的嗎? Law & Love in contrary?(2) 用在自己還是別人上? Who & Whom?(3) 所有誡命都包含在內? All laws included?(4) 這裡「愛人如己」愛誰? Particularly whom?結論:三個簡單操作Conclusion: Practice on Loving Others一、明白兩種刀劍Know Sword and Word(Eph 以弗所書6:17)二、先被神愛充滿Be filled with God's love first(1 John 約翰一書4:19)三、操練見證主恩Give testimony for Christ(Acts 22-26 使徒行傳22-26)
- Jul 26, 2015羅馬書(八十)羅馬書13:1-7基督徒與掌權者 Romans 13:1-7 Christian and Government (IV)Jul 26, 2015羅馬書(八十)羅馬書13:1-7基督徒與掌權者 Romans 13:1-7 Christian and Government (IV)Series: Romans前言:四種政教關係Intro: Four Types of Church-State Relationship一、問題的形成Whence the Question come?二、政權與教權Church and State(1) 教權>政權Roman Catholicism (Church State)(2) 政權>教權Erastianism (State Church)(3) 政權、教權Separation of Church and State(4) 上帝主權Cooperation between Church and State正文:四個核心問題Text : Four Core Questions一、問題的核心The Cores of Question(1) 教權屬於誰? Who represents Church?(2) 教會為何存在? Why does Church Exist?(3) 國家該幫助教會? Should state help church?(4) 國家能幫助教會? Can state help church?二、教會三責任Three Main Functions of Church傳道、行善、公義*馬丁路德說:上帝給政府刀劍管理國家;上帝也給教會屬靈的刀劍(就是神的話)管理神的家;不同的地方,必須用不同的刀劍。三、優先次序Priority according to Bible & History結論:四個操作原則Conclusion: Church Principles on Politics一、必須合乎信仰,不可被政治化Must be Biblical in every practice二、基督裡合一,超過政治傾向Unity in Christ is more important than political inclination三、基督徒,而不是教會,應該參與政治Christians, not Church, should involved in politics四、如果教會沒時間傳福音,肯定有問題Cannot sacrifice the high priority—evangelism.