May 15, 2016
使徒行傳2:1-13 這是什麼意思呢? Acts 2:1-13 What Does This Mean?
By: ??? Hsin-Ji Wang
Series: Pentecost
- May 15, 2016使徒行傳2:1-13 這是什麼意思呢? Acts 2:1-13 What Does This Mean?May 15, 2016使徒行傳2:1-13 這是什麼意思呢? Acts 2:1-13 What Does This Mean?By: ??? Hsin-Ji WangSeries: Pentecost
- May 8, 2016以弗所書6:1-4 為人兒女、為人父母 Ephesians 6:1-4 Children and ParentsMay 8, 2016以弗所書6:1-4 為人兒女、為人父母 Ephesians 6:1-4 Children and ParentsSeries: Mother's Day作兒女的Children一、聽從父母Obey Your Parents(1) 聖經是給兒女的Bible is For Children(2) 關鍵字:在主裡Keyword: in the Lord二、孝敬父母Honor Your Parents(1) 孝敬=光宗耀祖Honor = Glorify(2) 在世德福、長壽Blessed and Long Life(3) 第一帶應許誡命First Commandment with a Promise作父親的Fathers一、我們有責任Responsibility to D&I二、避免兩極端Avoid Two Extremes三、實際的操作Practical Discipline消極方面,不要… Negatively, Do NOT...(1) 不要激怒,需要自制Not Provoke, but Self-Control(2) 不是自私、自義動機Not Selfish, nor Self-Righteous(3) 不能沒標準反覆無常Not Capricious(4) 不能不講道理Not w/o Reasoning & Hearing(5) 管教不可死板Not Mechanical(6) 不可過份嚴厲Not Over proportional積極方面,要… Positively, DO...(1) 在「愛」中實行管教Discipline & Instruct in Love(2) 看重兒女在主裡成長Grow your children in the Lord(3) 贏得兒女信任事奉神Win your children for the Lord
- May 1, 2016羅馬書(一百零一)羅馬書16:1-2 推薦菲比 Romans 16:1-2 I Commend to You PhoebeMay 1, 2016羅馬書(一百零一)羅馬書16:1-2 推薦菲比 Romans 16:1-2 I Commend to You PhoebeSeries: Romans抱歉,由於硬件問題,錄音後半部不成功,只有前面30分鐘可聽。前言:背景介紹 Intro: Background正文:推薦菲比 Text: Recommend Phoebe(1) 推薦人 I commend to You...A.我是一個會推薦別人的人嗎?B.我的推薦,有保障嗎?C.我推薦什麼樣的人?(2) 被推薦 Phoebe, a servant at churchA.菲比是姐妹,是外邦人B.Deacon 是「執事」或「僕人」?C.Deacon的意義(i)「執事」是一個「眾人公開的承認」public recognition(ii)做事?服事?執事?Do things? Serve? Servant-Deacon?(iii)菲比曾經幫助過「許多人」,也幫助了我(iv)希臘文「幫助」有「經濟上支持」的意思(3) 接待人 Welcome her in the LordA.請「接待」她B.請「在主裡」=「合乎聖徒體統」接待她C.「無論」她需要什麼,請你們都要幫助他應用:成為執事 Practice: Become Deacons(1)不只是做事,而是服事人;Not only “do things” but “serve people”(2)不只是服事,而是成為僕人;Not only “serve” but “become servants”(3)不只是一人,而是整個教會;Not only 1 person, but the entire church
- Apr 17, 2016《彼得前書》4:10建立一個服事的人生 1 Peter 4:10 Build Up a Life That ServesApr 17, 2016《彼得前書》4:10建立一個服事的人生 1 Peter 4:10 Build Up a Life That ServesBy: ??? Jakub WuSeries: (All)
- Apr 10, 2016羅馬書(一百)羅馬書16:1-27 介紹《羅馬書》16章 Romans 16:1-27 Overview of Romans 16Apr 10, 2016羅馬書(一百)羅馬書16:1-27 介紹《羅馬書》16章 Romans 16:1-27 Overview of Romans 16Series: Romans前言:特殊的《羅馬書》16章 An Unique Chapter正文:重要的《羅馬書》16章 An Important Chapter一、作者真實性 Validity of Pauline Authorship二、聖徒相通性 Communion of the Saints三、福音活潑性 Diversity of Gospel Fruit(1) 婦女Women(2) 家庭Family(3) 社會Social Status(4) 職業Vocation(5) 種族Race結論、應用、操作 Conclusion, Application & Practice一、基督徒不是一個模子 Not One-Size Fits All二、基督徒不是沒有邊界 Not Without Boundary三、禱告、邀請、佈道會 Evangelical Campaign
- Apr 3, 2016羅馬書(九十九)羅馬書15:30-33 請與我一同竭力禱告 Romans 15:30-33 Strive Together With Me in Your PrayersApr 3, 2016羅馬書(九十九)羅馬書15:30-33 請與我一同竭力禱告 Romans 15:30-33 Strive Together With Me in Your PrayersSeries: Romans前言:從大方向開始 Start With Big Picture正文:弟兄們,我勸你們竭力禱告 I Appeal to You, Brothers, By…, To…一、為何竭力禱告? Why Strive in Prayers?(1) 不是出於自私Not by Selfish Reasons, but by God(2) 靠主耶穌基督By our Lord Jesus Christ(3) 憑著聖靈的愛By the Love of the Spirit(4) 神喜悅的旨意Because it is God's Will二、如何竭力禱告? How to Strive in Prayers?(1) 明白這個意思Strive... in your prayers(2) 一同竭力禱告Strive together with me(3) 禱告內容實例Three requests應用與操作:竭力禱告Application & Practice: Pray Earnestly一、禱告事項Three Prayer Requests(1) 20 年20 間教會20/20 Vision(2) 2016 留住新朋友Lose no New Friend(3) 4/22-24 佈道會Evangelical Campaign 4/22-24二、祝福禱告Benediction Prayer
- Mar 27, 2016約翰福音20:19-31那些沒有看見就相信的人是有福的 John 20:19-31 Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen Yet Have BelievedMar 27, 2016約翰福音20:19-31那些沒有看見就相信的人是有福的 John 20:19-31 Blessed Are Those Who Have Not Seen Yet Have BelievedSeries: Easter前言:獨一無二的信仰 An Unique Doctrine正文:耶穌復活帶來新的時代 Jesus' Resurrection Ushers in New Era一、時代的改變After Resurrection (vv.19-21)(1) 主動顯現Active Appearance (vv.19-20)(2) 都有差遣Serious Sending (v.21)二、差遣的內容About the Sending (vv.22-23)(1) 領受聖靈Receive Ye the Holy Spirit (v.22)(2) 赦罪留罪Forgive and Withhold Sins (v.23)三、多馬的不信Incredulity of Thomas (vv.24-27)(1) 合情合理? Unless... I will never believe (vv.24-25a)(2) 對面草較綠? Grass Greener on the other side? (vv.25b-27)結論:沒見就信是有福的 Conclusion: Blessed Are Those Who…一、神知道什麼對我們是最好的福氣 God Knows What Is the Best Blessing For Us二、神已經賜下最好的福氣給我們 God Has Given the Best Blessing to Us三、不要讓機會溜走,今天就接受耶穌得生命 Believe in Jesus and Have Life Today
- Mar 20, 2016約伯記42:1-5 認識神 Job 42:1-5 Knowing GodMar 20, 2016約伯記42:1-5 認識神 Job 42:1-5 Knowing GodBy: Ming-Chih HuSeries: (All)前言:苦難顯示出我們對神的認識(或相反)正文:三層次的認識(1)主觀、意志的認識,認定,承認(yada)(2)認知、理智的認識,清楚明白(bin)(3)關係、情感經歷的認識,深交(yada)默禱與回應
- Mar 13, 2016羅馬書(九十八)羅馬書15:20-33 普世福音計劃的參與 Romans 15:20-33 Take Part in the World EvangelismMar 13, 2016羅馬書(九十八)羅馬書15:20-33 普世福音計劃的參與 Romans 15:20-33 Take Part in the World EvangelismSeries: Romans前言:段落簡介正文:普世福音計劃的參與Take Part in World Evangelism一、介紹普世福音計劃Introduction (v.20-24)(1) 聖潔的野心Holy Ambition (vv.20-21)(2) 聖潔的夥伴Holy Association (vv.22-23)(3) 聖潔的目標Holy Aim (v.24)二、預備進入福音計劃Preparation (v.25-29)(1) 神聖的延遲Holy Delay (v.25)(2) 神聖的見證Holy Example (vv.26-27a)(3) 神聖的原則Holy Principle (vv.27b)(4) 神聖的福分Holy Blessings (v.28-29)三、邀請進入福音計劃Participation (vv.30-33)<--下次再講操作:我們預備好了嗎?Practice: My Personal Application一、我真願意參與普世福音嗎? Am I Willing?(1) 我有聖潔野心嗎? Do I have holy ambition?(2) 我有聖潔夥伴嗎? Do I have holy association?(3) 我有聖潔目標嗎? Do I have holy aims?二、我預備好參與普世福音嗎? Am I Ready?(1) 我有預備時間嗎? Do I have time prepared?(2) 我有預備金錢嗎? Do I have offering prepared?(3) 我有預備自己嗎? Do I have myself prepared?
- Mar 6, 2016羅馬書(九十七)羅馬書15:15下-24上 福音使者現身說法(II) Romans 15:15b-24a Paul’s Personal Testimony (II)Mar 6, 2016羅馬書(九十七)羅馬書15:15下-24上 福音使者現身說法(II) Romans 15:15b-24a Paul’s Personal Testimony (II)Series: Romans簡介:保羅現身說法正文:我立定主意I Make It My Ambition(1)基督徒該立志(有野心)嗎?A.立志是什麼意思?希臘文「愛+榮耀」B.聖經新舊約教導C.教會歷史的例子(2)基督徒該有怎樣的心志(野心)?(腓2:12-18)A.由神而來(聖潔)B.經常順服(順服)C.明光照耀(光明)D.生命之道(承傳)(3)基督徒該怎樣有心志(野心)?(賽52:9-53:2)A.了解這重要性B.要從聖經開始C.以賽亞書實例(i)曉得神的應許(ii)自潔離開污穢(iii)深入福音核心(iv)預備被人拒絕操作:從讀經、禱告、聚會、見證開始