- Jun 4, 2017約翰福音14:15-21另一位保惠師 John 14:15-21 Another Paraclete
- May 29, 2016以弗所書6:10-20 面對磨難的日子 Ephesians 6:10-20 Stand in the Evil Day
- May 22, 2016約翰福音7:37-39 活水江河 John 7:37-39 Rivers of Living Water
- May 15, 2016使徒行傳2:1-13 這是什麼意思呢? Acts 2:1-13 What Does This Mean?
- May 24, 2015使徒行傳1-2五旬節信息 Acts 1-2 Pentecost Message
- Jun 22, 2014以賽亞書64:1-2 願列國在你面前發顫 Isaiah 64:1-2 Oh that the Nations Might Tremble at Your Presence
- Jun 15, 2014以賽亞書64:1-2 願你裂天而降 Isaiah 64:1-2 Oh that Thou Wouldest Rend the Heavens and Come Down
- Jun 8, 2014使徒行傳1:4-11加利利人哪!你們為什麼站著望天呢? Acts 1:4-11 Men of Galilee, Why do You Stand Looking into Heaven?
- May 19, 20132013五旬節信息-使徒行傳1:4-5,8; 2:1-4a