背景:約書亞接班 Background: From Moses to Joshua
(1)摩西死了Moses is dead
(2)廣大土地Land is huge
(3)未知之路Road is unknown
(4)洶湧的河River is flooding
(5)老約書亞Joshua is old
(6)還有應許Problems vs Promise
正文:面對應許之地 The Promised Land to Be Conquered
(1)未得之地Land Not Yet Conquered
(2)該得之地Land to Be Conquered
(3)不勞而獲? Not “Free Lunch”
(4)如何得著? How to Get It?
A範圍:一河之隔Where is the Land?
B原則:腳掌所踏Basic Principles
C實踐:爭戰得勝Required Warfares
操作:得著應許之地 From Promise to Possession
(1)曉得應許Know the Promise
(2)剛強壯膽Be Strong and Courageous
(3)謹守遵行Carefully Obey the Law