前言:非常特別的城市 A Very Special City
(1)歷史最悠久 The most ancient walled city
(2)文明最發達 The climax of Canaan culture
(3)水源最豐富 The most ancient walled city
(4)城牆最堅固 The toughest double-wall
正文:非常特別的戰役 A Very Special War
(1)第一次 The first war
(2)繞城牆 March around the city
(3)何珥瑪 KHoRMah (KHaRaM) total destruction
結論:非常特別的恩典 A Very Special Grace
(1) 神記得喇合God Remembered Rahab
(2) 立約的記號Sign of Covenant
(3) 真正約書亞The true and ultimate Joshua
Application: Freely Received, Freely Give.