2022年新闻存档 News Archives 2022 |
哈利路亚!练锦霞、唐兆凤 、虞效平、蔡乐颖、王可意五位弟兄姐妹在11/27的洗礼上受洗成为神的儿女。顾舫怡、关莹洁、Tiffany Schatz被接纳成为平安谷正式会员。Halleluja! Irene Lin, Zhaofeng Tang, Xiaoping Yu, Austin, Michael Wang were baptized to be God’s children on 11/27, and Fangyi Gu, Jessica Guan and Tiffany Schatz were accepted as PVCCC Members. |
2022大费城联合宣教团契年度特会于10/1周六在本教会举行,基督使者协会柏有成会长为特别讲员。2022 Mission Conference hosted by Great Philadelphia Mission Fellowship will be held on 10/01, Saturday at PVCCC. Dr. Yeou-cherng Bor of AFC will be the speaker. |
由PSUA校园事工主辦,平安谷華人基督教會和神州基督教會協辦的PSUA中秋迎新活動于9/10晚上在本教會舉行,吸引众多PSUA的同学和兄弟姐妹們參加, 一起庆祝中秋佳节。”Celebration of Mid-Autumn Festival & Welcome New Students of PSUA” organized by PSUA Campus Ministries, supported by PVCCC and China Grace Church will be held at PVCCC on 09/10, Saturday. Many PSUA students and brothers and sisters to celebration the traditional Chinese festival. |
平安谷教會於7/29-31在风景秀丽的America‘s Keswick 舉辦首次退修會, 弟兄姐妹们在轻松的环境中渴慕和亲近神,享受了一个身心愉悦、灵命更新的周末。PVCCC held the first retreat at the scenic America’s Keswick in NJ on 7/29-31, brothers and sisters delightfully sought the intimacy with God, and enjoyed a relaxed and spirit-renewed weekend. |
2022复活节当天,平安谷教会举行洗礼和新会员接纳礼,朱子悦弟兄受洗成为神的孩子,并且徐守民/陈蓉夫妇和何芬姐妹被接纳为平安谷教会正式会员。On the day of Easter 04/17/22, PVCCC had a Baptism and New Member Welcome Ceremony to baptize Brother Derek Zhu and accept Sherman Xu/Rong Chen, Fen He as PVCCC Members. |
2022受难节特别崇拜“为什么离弃我?” 于04/15(周五)晚在教会举行。2022 Good Friday Service ” Why Have You Forsaken Me?” was held at church on 04/15, Friday night. |