2018年 新闻存档 News Archives 2018 |
诗班献诗 Choir Dedication: 马槽婴孩 Away In A Manger |
万凯弟兄的追思礼拜于12/17在殡仪馆举行,请为遗孀丽珍姐妹和她的家人代祷。The memorial service of Brother Kai Wan was held on 12/17, please pray for the widow Sister Lizhen and her family. |
弟兄姐妹们和家人、朋友12/15周六欢聚一堂,参加2018平安谷圣诞晚会, 一起同庆耶稣基督的诞辰. Brothers and sisters joyfully gathered at church with their families and friends to attend 2018 PVCCC Christmas Celebration to celebrate the birth of Lord Jesus Christ.
晚会录像 Celebration Video:2018 平安谷圣诞晚会 2018 PVCCC Christmas Celebration
李冰泉、陆庭刚、邱定山、袁化冰和朱志宏五位弟兄在12/09举行的平安谷执事选举大会上当选为2019年新执事。求神带领他们,并赐给他们属天的智慧和能力。Brother Bingquan Li, Tingang Lu, Samuel Qiu, Benjamin Yuan and Zhihong Zhu were elected 12/09 as 2019 New Deacons of PVCCC. May God lead them and grant them with heavenly wisdom and talents. |
诗班献诗 Choir Dedication: 你们要赞美耶和华 You Shall Praise Jehovah |
平安谷教会于11/24举行2018感恩分享及祷告会, 弟兄姐妹们一起敬拜神, 并数算神在我们生活, 工作和教会的恩典和奇妙作为. PVCCC held 2018 Thanksgiving Sharing and Prayer on 11/24 to worship God, and count God’s amazing grace and acts on our life, work and church. |
平安谷教会19位弟兄姐妹在新加坡神學院潘隆正牧師(Michael Phua)带领下,正参加 10/19-29 的希臘旧约之旅。19 brothers and sisters of PVCCC are touring in Greece in a Old Testament Trip of 10/19-29 led by Pastor Michael Phua of Singapore Theology Seminary. |
九旬的谢博弟兄于10/14被平安谷教会接纳为正式会员。若您在本教會聚会已經超過三個月,而且愿意繼續在此聚會,并成為本教會正式會員,請向季怡怡执事申请。Brother Bo Xie of near 90 was officially accepted as a PVCCC member on 10/14. If you have worshiped at this church for more than three months, and are willing to become a PVCCC member, you are welcome to contact Deaconess Yiyi Ji to apply for a membership. |
平安谷教会于08/20-24成功地举办了2018儿童圣经夏令营。平安谷的青年和志愿者们在时间极其紧迫的情况下同心合一地完成了一个不可能完成的任务,受到了孩子和家长们的一致好评。PVCCC held 2018 Vacation Bible School successfully on 08/20-24. PVCCC youth and volunteers united with one heart to accomplish an impossible mission with truly tight schedule, and were highly appreciated by the attending children and their parents.
视频 Video: 2018平安谷儿童圣经夏令营 2018 PVCCC VBS
弟兄姐妹们怀着难舍的心情于07/13欢送陈蓓姐妹搬迁至华盛顿特区工作,求主与陈蓓姐妹前面的脚踪。Brothers and sisters held a farewell party for sister Bei Chen who who relocated to DC due to job change. May God bless her life and path ahead! |
平安谷教会很荣幸地邀请面包情人电影公司连品雯姐妹于06/22-23开设《我遇见神的故事》微记录片制作培训班,弟兄姐妹们踊跃参加。尽管课程密集,时间紧张,学员们仍然克服困难,制作出四部微记录短片. PVCCC is very honored to invite Sister Pinwen Lian of Money and Honey Films LLC to have a training class of Micro Documentary Production-《My Story of Encountering God》on 06/22-23, many brothers and sisters enrolled and had produced four short documentary films after two full days of intense training. |
平安谷青年于05/25-27国殇节期间前往Rainbow Ridge Farm 野营,彼此团契、沟通分享。PVCCC Youth went to camp at Rainbow Ridge Farm during Memorial Day weekend to enjoy the fellowship, sharing and friendship. |
平安谷教会04/01举行洗礼,有四位年轻的弟兄姐妹:田淑萌、王正寧、王正麗和葉沐然,受洗成为神的孩子, 哈利路亚!PVCCC had a baptism ceremony to baptize four young brothers and sisters: Catherine Tian, Jeffery Wang, Lily Wang, and Ryan Ye, into God’s children, Hallelujah!
受洗见证 BaptismTestimonies: 田淑萌 Catherine Tian, 王正寧Jeffery Wang, 王正麗Lily Wang, 葉沐然Ryan Ye.
弟兄团契于03/24(周六)举办首届平安谷乒乓球锦标赛,弟兄姐妹们以球会友,既锻炼身体,又增进彼此了解。最后,廖谨忠、韩雷、陈津生弟兄和唐晓莹、廖玮、刘君姐妹分获男女前三名。Brother Fellowship held the First PVCCC Table Tennis Tournament 03/24, Saturday. Brothers and sisters took this great exercise opportunity to better know each other. In the end, Brother Jason Liao, Lei Han, James Cheng and Sister Shirley Tang, Vivienne Liao, Jun Liu won the top three titles of man and woman respectively. |
弟兄姐妹们邀请家人和朋友于02/10(周六)欢聚一堂,庆祝中国农历新年。Brothers and sisters along with families and friends gathered at church 02/10 Saturday to celebrate 2018 Chinese New Year.
平安谷教会很荣幸地邀请卓越的基督徒企业家孔毅弟兄于01/12-14来平安谷举行2018福音特会-“逆势中成长“。孔弟兄通过自己40多年职场生涯中亲身经历,教导大家如何在逆境中抓住神的应许,跟从自己内心的声音,顺服神的带领,最终必能在苦难中、工作中,使我们的人生和信仰逆势成长。PVCCC was very honored to invite Roger Kung, the renowned Christian entrepreneur to hold a gospel conference-“Grow through Adversity “ in 01/12-14. Brother Kung encouraged brothers and sisters to seize God’s promises, follow the voice from inner heart, obey God’s leading, to grow through adversity in hardship, at work, in life and in faith.
福音特会录像 Gospel Conference Videos:
培 灵 会 – 苦难中逆势成长 (1 of 4)
职场信息 – 工作中逆势成长 (2 of 4)
布 道 会 – 人生的逆势成长 (3 of 4)
主日信息 – 信仰的逆势成长 (4 of 4)
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