2020-21年 新闻存档 News Archives 2020-21 |
平安谷教会12/12举行2021会员大会,选举2022新任长老和执事:陆庭刚弟兄当选为长老,陈时钧弟兄当选为外展部执事,朱志宏弟兄连任崇拜部执事。Brother Tinggang Lu was elected as Elder, and Jim Chen as the new Deacon of Outreach Dept, Zhihong Zhu, the second term Deacon of Worship Dept, on 2021 PVCCC Congregation Meeting on 12/12/21. |
弟兄姐妹们于11/26欢聚一堂,在感恩见证会中分享神过去一年在我们的教会、服侍、生活、学习中奇妙的带领和超出所求所想的祝福。Brothers and sisters joyfully gathered on 11/26 to share God’s miraculous leading and exceedingly abundant blessings in our life, study, serving and church on 2021 Sharing of Thanksgiving Testimonies. |
感谢赞美主!平安谷教会11/28首次举行浸水礼,为高斌弟兄、郭福惠姐妹、杨宁姐妹施洗,并在其后,接纳他们以及管淑敏姐妹、吴丹霞姐妹为平安谷正式会员。Praise the Lord! Brother Bin Gao, Sister Anna Guo and Sister Ning Yang were baptized in the first PVCCC immersion baptism on 11/28/21, and they along with Sister Shumin Guan and Sister Danxia Wu were accepted as PVCCC members afterwards. |
平安谷教会很高兴地邀请特拉华威明顿主恩堂的白玉峰、裘俊弟兄,以及徐秀蓉、Anna和李景昆一家于10/17作洪都拉斯短宣见证分享,他们真实、感人的见证使大家深受感动和激励。We are very glad to invite brother Yufeng Bai, Jun Qiu and the family of Xiurong Xu, Anna and Jingkun Li of Wilmington Community Evangelical Church to share the testimonies of mission trip to Honduras on 10/17. The touching and original sharing deeply moved and inspired the audience. |
宾州大阿宾顿校区留学生事工0918(周六)在平安谷教会举行中秋庆祝活动,欢迎PSUA的同学们。神州教会和平安谷教会的众牧长、同工和弟兄姐妹们同心合一的服事, 为神作了荣美的见证. Chinese Students Ministry of Penn State University Abington held Mid-Autumn celebration at PVCCC to welcome PSUA Chinese students. Pastors, coworkers, brothers and sisters served together in unity to testify God’s glory. |
哈利路亞!雷偉亮弟兄和柳穎姐妹于復活主日(04/04/21)受洗,並和胡楊傑姐妹一起被接納為平安谷華人基督教會正式會員。Hallelujah! Brother David Lei and Sister Lynn Liu were baptized on Easter (04/04/21) , and were accepted as PVCCC Members with Sister Elisa Hu. |
徐安妃姐妹和王成斌弟兄在12/06舉行的2020平安谷會員大會上,當選成爲2021届新任執事。求主引領他們前面的服事,堅立他們手中的工。Sister Anfei Hsu and Brother Chengbin Wang were elected as 2021 New Deacon of PVCCC on the Congregation Meeting held on 12/06. May God lead their serving ahead, and establish the work of their hands. |
感謝主,儘管因爲新冠病毒肆虐,平安谷教會仍然關閉,但是有王錚、胥麗、翟友剛三位弟兄姐妹于11/22/20受洗成爲神的兒女 Praise the Lord! Still locked down due to surging COVID-19 cases, PVCCC held a baptism ceremony on 11/22/20 for Sisters Zheng Wang, Li Xu and Brother Yougang Zhai as God’s children. |
林秀賢, 張晨陽, 陸克敬, 李韞安四位弟兄姐妹于02/09正式被接納為平安谷華人基督教會會友。Four sisters and brother:Suzanne Kao, Julia Zhang, Michelle Lu and Jerry Li were officially accepted as PVCCC Members 02/09/20. |
弟兄姐妹們和家人、朋友们于01/18(周六)欢聚一堂,参加2020 平安谷春节联欢会,庆祝即将到来的中国传统佳节-鼠年春節。Brothers and sisters, their families and friends as well, joined 2020 PVCCC Chinese New Year Gala on 01/18/20 to celebrate the upcoming Year of Rat.
联欢会录像 Video of Celebration: 2020 平安谷春节联欢会2020 PVCCC CNY Gala
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