2019年 新闻存档 News Archives 2019
平安谷教會11/28感恩節當天舉行感恩餐會,不僅享用神所賜豐富美食,而且敬拜贊美和分享見證,一起數算神的恩典。PVCCC held 2019 Thanksgiving Lunch 11/28/19. Besides enjoying God’s abundant provision of delicious cuisine, brothers and sisters worshiped God and shared the testimonies to count God’s blessings.

哈利路亚!Grace Xu最近在外州找到工作,临行前,她决定在平安谷教会受洗,愿神带领小姐妹前面的路程。Hallelujah! Grace Xu found a job in another state. Before moving, she would like to be baptized 09/29/19 at PVCCC. May the Lord lead her path ahead.
感谢主! 有六位弟兄姐妹于09/15受洗, 加入神国的大家庭,天上的天使都欢喜快乐!Praise the Lord! Six brothers and sisters were baptized into God’s big family, the angels in the heaven rejoiced.
又是中秋! 平安谷教会于09/13(周五)晚上举行<<爱满中秋>>特别聚会, 庆祝中国传统中秋节,聚会中有美味中餐, 令人思乡的月饼, 还有露天电影-最近大火的<<突破>>, 有二十位宾州大学阿宾顿校区的中国留学生受邀参加。 Another Mid-Autumn Festival! PVCCC had a joyful special gathering-<<Mid-Autumn full of Love>> featuring free Chinese food, mooncakes, and outdoor movie-the new hit, <<Breakthrough>>. About 20 Chinese students of PennState Abington were invited to join us.
李若铭姐妹于08/11受洗成为神的子民,天上的天使都欢喜快乐。愿神继续带领她成长的脚步, 并为她回国后预备合适的教会。Sister Ruoming Li was baptised into God’s child 08/11, the angels rejoice in the heaven. May God lead Ruoming’s spiritual growth and prepare a right church for her in China.
平安谷教会很高兴地邀请董晓林姐妹于06/16分享她参与的Penn State Abington (PSA) 校园事工。晓林姐妹将于今年底从西敏神学院毕业,开始在PSA全职服事, 若您有感动资助她的事工,请点击详情。PVCCC was very glad to invite Sister Christy Dong to share her ministry at Penn State Abington Campus. Sister will start her full time serving in PSA ministry after graduation from Westminster Theological Seminary in the end of 2019. If you are touched to financially support her ministry, please check for details.
2019平安谷烧烤及毕业生分享于06/16主日崇拜结束后举行, 美食、烧烤、音乐及毕业生感言伴着大家度过一个愉快的夏日午后. 2019 PVCCC BBQ and Graduate Sharing was held on 06/16 after the Sunday service, brothers and sisters were encouraged by the sharing of graduates and delighted with delicious food, BBQ, live music as well for a wonderful Summer afternoon. 
平安谷青年和芥菜籽团契于国殇节周末(05/24-26)前往Pocono山区野营, 领略神的创造之美, 并在大自然中敬拜赞美他!  PVCCC Youth and Mustard Seeds Fellowship camped at Pocono Mountains during Memorial Day weekend (05/24-26), to enjoy the splendor of God’s creation and worship and praise Him in the nature.
母亲节诗班献诗 Mother’s Day Dedication: 风和爱 Wind and Love 
纪颖彪、韩嵘、杨文乐和杨文迪等四位弟兄姐妹于04/28受洗,成为神的儿女,天上的天使都欢喜快乐。Yingbiao Ji, Rong Han, Tylor Yang and Mindy Yang were baptised into God’s sons and daughters, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over their baptism.
平安谷华人教会非常荣幸地邀请到基督使者协会总干事柏有成博士于04/19-21举行了题为“山寨版的人生”福音布道会。PVCCC is very honored to invite Dr. Yeou-cherng Bor, Executive Director of Ambassador For Christ, to preach on an evangelic gospel meeting titled “Counterfeited Life” 04/19-21. 
布道会录像 Videos:
平安谷华人教会03/10举行新会友接纳礼,接纳黄立汉/陈鶯夫妇,王成斌/丁焕成夫妇及和汐佳姐妹加入平安谷大家庭.PVCCC accepted Lihan Huang/Ying Chen, Chengbin Wang/Helen Ding, Xijia He as PVCCC Members on Acceptance Ceremony of New Members 03/10.
2019平安谷春节联欢会于02/02周六举行,弟兄姐妹们用歌舞、相声、猜谜语等庆祝中国传统佳节-春节,光华中文学校多支少儿舞蹈队应邀表演。2019 PVCCC Chinese New Year Celebration was held on 02/02, Saturday. Brothers and sisters gathered to celebrate the traditional Chinese festival-Lunar Spring Festival. Several children dance teams of Guanghua Chinese School were invited to perform.
平安谷教会于01/06为李冰泉、陆庭刚、邱定山、袁化冰和朱志宏等五位新当选的执事举行设立礼,求主与他们同在,赐下恩膏和合一,并坚立他们手中的工。PVCCC held an installation ceremony 01/06 for five newly elected deacons: Bingquan Li, Tingang Lu, Sam Qiu, Ben Yuan and Zhihong Zhu. May God be with them and bestow them with unity and anointing, and bless the work in their hands.
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