牧师的话 From Pastors Desk


如果您是基督徒,欢迎您加入我们这个大家庭一起敬拜和侍奉神!如果您还没有相信耶稣基督,真诚邀请您参加我们的团契和教会生活,盼望您可以 早一天认识这位真神!除了主日敬拜,我们还有主日学、查经班、灵修班、门训班、祷告会,以及丰富多彩的活动团契!所有这一切都是以神为中心,以荣耀神为我们的目的!如果您有任何问题,欢迎随时联系我们!

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平安谷华人基督教会诚挚欢迎对音乐和敬拜充满激情,同时渴望在华人教会中发挥您的钢琴演奏恩赐的神学生申请钢琴伴奏奖学金,详情请点击左图。PVCCC warmly welcomes the application for pianist scholarship from talented theological students who are passionate on worship.  If interested, please contact Pastor Luke Liu.
 教会新闻 PVCCC News
2024中秋迎新庆祝活动 于09/21(周六)举行,平安谷教会和神州教会的弟兄姐妹们邀请了Penn State Abington和Temple大学的中国留学生一起共庆,节目包括美食、月饼、敬拜、灯谜、见证分享等,丰富精彩, 令人流连。2024 Mid-Autumn  Celebration  was held on 09/21, Saturday. Brothers and sisters from PVCCC and China Grace invited Chinese students of Penn State Abington and Temple University to celebrate together. The  programs including food, mooncakes, worship, riddles and testimony sharing are rich  and  fascinating.
弟兄姐妹们6/16欢聚在一起,用诗歌敬拜、烧烤美食来庆祝父亲节。Brothers and sisters gathered joyfully on 06/16 to celebrate Father’s Day with worship, delicious food and BBQ.
平安谷教会很高兴地邀请”吹号者事工”创办人郑立新牧师于4/13-14(周六-周日)在平安谷举行《抢救下一代, 教会总动员》亲子教育特会.  PVCCC is very gladly invites Pastor Lenny Cheng, the founder of Trumpeter Ministries, to hold a Christian Parenting Conference-《Saving Next Generation, Motivating Churches》on 4/13-14 (Saturday -Sunday).
平安谷教会于03/31复活节举行洗礼和新会员迎接礼,白峥、柯航君、邝连弟、王可心和杨毅等五位弟兄姐妹受洗归入主的名下;此外,高索安/耿莹莹、梁智彬/许晓华、金文永和文静等六位弟兄姐妹被迎接成为平安谷正式会员。PVCCC held the Ceremony of Baptism and Welcoming New Members on Easter 03/31. Five brothers and sisters (Zheng Bai, Hangjun Ke, Kiki Kuang, Angie Wang and Yi Yang) were baptized into Lord’s name, while six brothers and sisters (Enoch Gao/Yingying Geng, Ben Liang/Carrie Xu, Wenyong Hutchison and Karen Yu) were welcome into PVCCC family as formal members.
感谢主!水修元、陈隽、许远青、沈湘汝、吴东凡和张钦珮等六位弟兄姐妹于11/26受洗成为神的子民。此外,崔仁颉、宋秋琳和曾侯乙等三位弟兄姐妹正式加入平安谷华人基督教会。Praise the Lord! Six brothers and sisters: Alex Shui, Jun Chen, Kenneth Hui, Rosy Shen, Peter Wu and Peipei Zhang were baptized into God’s children on 11/26/23, meanwhile, Jin Cui, Sarah Song and Houyi Zeng were formally accepted as PVCCC members.
平安谷教会11/24举行感恩见证分享会,弟兄姐妹们欢聚一堂,一起数算神的恩典。PVCCC held Thanksgiving Testimony Sharing on 11/24. Brothers ad sisters gathered gratefully to count God’s blessings.
由宾州州大阿宾顿校园事工主办, 平安谷教会和神州教会协办的“中秋迎新”于9/30(周六)在平安谷教会举行,节目丰富多彩,美食、月饼、敬拜、灯谜和篝火等吸引了众多弟兄姐妹和朋友们参加。“Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration” hosted by PSUA Campus Ministries, co-sponsored by PVCCC and China Grace Church was held on 09/30 (Saturday) at PVCCC, a variety of events including food, mooncake, hymn worship, riddles and bonfire attracted many brothers, sisters and friends.
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